Pinned Repositories
Angular Movies | TV Shows is a simple web app built with The Movie DB API + Angular 15 + Material Angular.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
A demo microservice that finds distance between two ZIP codes using ZIPCodeAPI api
Happy places is a basic app built with Kotlin programming language. It incorporates some petty features like adding your fav places using Google Maps API, description, photos. Deletion, insertion and sorting of the list of places is possible. Data is stored locally using SQLite.
Git repository for the "Kubernetes for Beginners"
This kids drawing app uses the DrawingView class for drawing along with features like brush size changer, color picker, eraser, undo option, importing image to draw over it, saving the dawn image and sharing option.
Seven Minute workout App is a basic app that uses the Text-to-Speech (TTS), timer functionality and calculates the BMI according to the height and weight given. It uses SQLite to store data locally that can be accessed under the History tab within the app.
Weather App displays the current weather, wind speed & direction, approx sunrise & sunset times using the free OpenWeatherMap API. JSON is used for data transfer. The app automatically refreshes the weather after restart.
Ayush2000Roy's Repositories
Happy places is a basic app built with Kotlin programming language. It incorporates some petty features like adding your fav places using Google Maps API, description, photos. Deletion, insertion and sorting of the list of places is possible. Data is stored locally using SQLite.
This kids drawing app uses the DrawingView class for drawing along with features like brush size changer, color picker, eraser, undo option, importing image to draw over it, saving the dawn image and sharing option.
Weather App displays the current weather, wind speed & direction, approx sunrise & sunset times using the free OpenWeatherMap API. JSON is used for data transfer. The app automatically refreshes the weather after restart.
Angular Movies | TV Shows is a simple web app built with The Movie DB API + Angular 15 + Material Angular.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
A demo microservice that finds distance between two ZIP codes using ZIPCodeAPI api
Git repository for the "Kubernetes for Beginners"
Seven Minute workout App is a basic app that uses the Text-to-Speech (TTS), timer functionality and calculates the BMI according to the height and weight given. It uses SQLite to store data locally that can be accessed under the History tab within the app.
Portfolio Website
Calculator App is the most basic app to get started with app development using Kotlin. The app can perform very basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Simple yet enough to start digging further into app development.
React.js Beyond the Basics
Your First Full Stack Application with Angular and Spring Boot
Your First Full Stack Application with React and Spring Boot
Everyone's first repository, hopefully!
Meals App basically displays a variety of preloaded meals based on a certain selected cuisine. It shows the images, ingredients required and the steps to prepare the recipe. Images are taken from wikimedia using Image URLs.
Personal Expense is a very basic app made using Flutter SDK. It keeps a record of the expenses and shows a bar chart of expenses for a particular week.
Places app is built with dart programming language in Flutter SDK. It can store the pictures of your fav places with location and description. It can also use the current location. data is stored locally using SQFLite database handler.
Quiz App regarding national flags. Shows a variety of pre loaded flags and four options against each of them. Displays correct and incorrect option and shows the points awarded at the last. Flags can be added up to any number feasible.
A basic Counter App to get started with ReactJS
Shop App is a basic app that displays a variety of items along with their price and image in the home screen. each product page contains description. more images, options like add to cart or favorite and buy now. It has an authentication screen that allows user to log out.