
A scheduler microservice that allows job scheduling while maintaining critical job-related information. This service have API endpoints for job management, such as listing all jobs, retrieving details of a specific job by ID, and creating new jobs.

Primary LanguagePython

Step by step guide to run this project

  • Download and extract the zip file by

  • git clone https://github.com/Ayush32/Scheduler-Microservice.git

  • open Command Prompt - Install Virtualenv using -> pip install virtualenv

  • Open the Scheduler-Microservice directory inside VScode

  • Open terminal in vscode and setup virtual enviroment by following steps

            virtualenv venv
            Go to scripts directory then activate the virtual environment - venv\Scripts\activate
            go back to main directory by using cd.. for windows
  • Install django, djangorestframework, psycopg2 by following command, copy and paste

            pip install Django==5.1 djangorestframework==3.15.2 APScheduler==3.10.4
  • Now run the following command to save your model into the database.

            Go to the scheduler_service directory
            cd scheduler_service
            Run the below command
            python manage.py makemigrations
            python manage.py migrate
  • Now run the following command to runserver

            python manage.py runserver
            Open in Chrome/IE -
            all job -
            specific job id : =
            create job :