
A Blog App Using Python,Django

Primary LanguagePython



Live_Link here

How To Run

  • Live Demo available, Clone, Fork or download the repository from the terminal.
  • Run the Command Prompt and Open the DjangoChat directory in CMD.

Install Virtual Environment under the Blog directory

  • pip3 install virtualenv
  • virtual venv

For Windows

  • open venv, then open the scripts directory and write activate in cmd.

For Mac

  • open Blog, then open the bin directory and write activate in bash.

To Run the Python server

  • go to the DjangoChat directory, write python manage.py run server,
  • Open in your browser and go to (http://127:0:0:8000)


  • User Can register and Login
  • Flash messages appear(Pop Notification) during Login, Register, adding the blog, deleting the blog, updating, and Logout
  • Add the blog with Title, Description(Integrate with Froala Editor, style your description like bold, italic etc.) and images
  • Delete and Update the blog