Three-Tier-Infra as a code

This repo is functionality complete — PRs and issues welcome!

Getting started

To get the infra running on aws:

  • Clone this repo
  • change directory to stg/terraform
  • terraform init to install all required module source
  • terraform plan and apply to see the resources to be create and to create infra on AWS
  • To build image for nodejs backend
  • packer init
  • packer build nodejsAmi.pkr.hcl

Code Overview


  • terraform - To install terraform.
  • packer - To install packer.
  • AWS cli - to install aws cli only if you are configuring AWS credentials.

Application Structure

  • terraform/ - This folder contains terraform code to create thee-tier-infra in AWS.
  • packer/ - This folder contains the code to create image for the backend i.e node js application.


Install AWS cli and configure aws credentials. You can also export secret and access key to .env file and map the variables in