Heya 👋, I am Ayush

🧑🏻 Know more about me!
  • 🌍 I live in Gaziabad, India
  • ✉️ Contact me at socialacc211@gmail.com
  • 🚀 Sharing my public journey on Twitter
  • 🧠 Learning full stack development!
  • 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 Interested in collaborations

Ayush Kumar's GitHub Stats

Programming Languages 🌐

  • Know/Using
C C++ HTML CSS JavaScript Node.js
  • Learning
Tailwind CSS TypeScript

Tools 🛠️

  • Know/Using
HTTP REST Git GitHub Visual Studio Code Postman npm mongoDB React Express
  • Operating System
Linux Ubuntu

Other Accounts 📫

You can find and get in touch with me on these accounts!

github logo linkedin logo dev logo twitter logo stack logo