GoLang For Beginners 🚀

All Code files for general references with comments and easy to understand codes

  • ✨By Ayush Sahu✨

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What is Go?

Go is an open source programming language supported by Google

Easy to learn and get started with

Built-in concurrency and a robust standard library

Growing ecosystem of partners, communities, and tools


Download Go packages, available for all OSs at GoDownload

After the GUI installation process,

Open terminal and run the below caommand to check that the installation process was succesful


Open your favourite editor

Create a Go file using syntax


Sample code :

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello World!")

Run the code from the Go file by executing the below command in your terminal

go run <filename>.go

and You're all set and good to Go!!


Used IDE : Visual Studio on MacOS Monterey 12.6

Go Version : go1.19.2 (Visit Go documentation below to know more about versions and compatibility)

File names are simple as I had to write filenames at terminal to run the file

Download Visual Studio Code on your machine at VScode

For more info visit official Go documentation here Go-Official