
Implementation of auto collapse feature of ExpansionPannelList.radio into Expansion Tile as ExpansionTile is more flexible and customisable.

Primary LanguageC++

Make ExpansionTile work as ExpansionPanelList.radio


We are making something similar where when you click on any panel — it expanded and rest all automatically collapse. It is called Expansion Panel List of type Radio. But there are some drawbacks that you cannot easily customise it. So we are going to implement this auto collapse feature into Expansion Tile because we can easily customise them according to our need.

So I created this project to showcase how I implement that and what result I get at end is Quite better than ExpansionPannelList.Radio.

Link to blog is:- https://learnwithayush.medium.com/make-expansiontile-work-as-expansionpanellist-radio-4c35809bc841