Amazon Clone

This is a full-stack Amazon clone project built using React, Firebase, and Stripe for payment integration. The project aims to replicate some of the core features of the Amazon website, such as product listings, product details, shopping cart, user authentication, and checkout with secure payments. The project is built using React for the front-end, Firebase for authentication and CSS for styling.


To see a live demo of the website, visit Demo Link.


  • Homepage with product listings
  • Add products to the cart
  • Updating the cart subtotal based on the added products.
  • Checkout with Stripe payment integration
  • User authentication and account management

Technologies Used

  • ReactJs
  • Material UI
  • Stripe (Payment integration)
  • Firebase (User authentication and database)
  • useContext (State management)
  • React Router (Routing)
  • CSS Modules (Styling)