
Get ready to laugh with our hilarious joke generator! Discover a vast collection of side-splitting jokes in various categories and brighten up your day with endless laughter.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

✨✨Welcome to Joke-Generator✨✨

A joke generator is a web application that uses ChatGPT to create jokes based on user preferences. The front end allows users to select the type of joke they want (e.g., knock-knock, light bulb) and customize the content's length. The backend, built with Node.js, manages user requests, interacts with ChatGPT, and delivers the generated jokes. The UI should be visually appealing and include smooth navigation and advanced CSS techniques for an enhanced user experience. Bonus features may include user authentication, saving favourite jokes, and social media sharing capabilities.

Frontend Deployed URL 👉 Click here

Backend API 👉 Click here

Languages and Tools


html5 css3 javascript


nodejs expressjs


git git github npm vscode render

vscode slack

Deployed On:

vercel cyclic


The following key features will be implemented in the application:

  • Develop an application that can create jokes using ChatGPT.
  • The app should allow the user to specify the type of joke (e.g., knock-knock, light bulb, etc.).
  • Skills involved: User input handling, frontend, backend, and ChatGPT integration.

Joke Generator Page

Screenshot 2023-07-29 170945

Screenshot 2023-07-29 170925

Languages Used :

      ◉ JavaScript : 71.2%
      ◉ HTML : 18.7%
      ◉ CSS : 10.1%

This report is provided by the GitHub language used stats. So, this is the total percentage of the coding languages.

Prerequisites :

  • Node
  • npm

Installing :

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine
  2. Navigate to the project directory
  3. Run npm install to install the required dependencies
  4. Run npm start to start the development server

An individual project, completed in a duration of 1 days.

Our Learnings :

On this journey, we faced many issues, but we keep motivated each other with patience.

  • We learned how to write more efficient and clean code.

  • Even though We also learned how to plan a project and how to execute it step by step.

  • Through this Project, we have learned to effectively improve productivity.

  • We also got a glimpse of using GitHub for version control.


We welcome contributions to the Joke Generator website. If you have an idea for a new feature or have found a bug, please open an issue in the repository.

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