
Tiny demo app for finding and sorting git repositories by stars/PRs/etc

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Command line instructions
From the command line, clone this repo:
git clone git@github.com:Ayveren/funWithReact.git && cd funWithReact

Run npm i to install all the modules
Run npm start to run the webpack dev server

Server is running on localhost:3000 by default

Fun with React

Task Create app using React + react-router + redux

Requirements Use Github Rest API https://developer.github.com/v3/ On main screen of app show top repositories sorted by stars with number of stars, watchers and open issues. On top of page should be search input with possibility to search by repo name (sort by stars). When pressing on repository item show additional repo information with list of the last 10 pull requests with author, name, number and status.

Bonus points awarded for cover important parts of your code with tests, and if you decide to write it as a React Native app with react-native-router-flux