Checkout my fullstack personal project which I have built using ReactJS, MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Cloudinary, Nodemailer, Zustand and Tailwind CSS.

The app has the following features:

  1. Register new account with optional profile picture upload.
  2. Nodemailer for account activation.
  3. Login account.
  4. Update profile details.
  5. Update password.
  6. Delete Account.
  7. Add Todo tasks.
  8. Update Todo with mark as completed option.
  9. Delete Todo.

The routes in the app are protected so the user cannot access the protected routes unless logged in.

I have named this web application TodoMaster.

I have hosted the backend and frontend on Render. The project has CI/CD with GitHub and Render, as I push the new changes, it will be deployed instantly on Render with the latest commit.

Note: When you upload an image for profile picture, please choose a smaller size picture within 500kb otherwise the upload time will be longer as I have used free services for deployment and image hosting. And this app is in its initial version and can always be improved.

Live link: TodoMaster - Todo List Made Easy