
Axios interceptor that implements Circuit Breaker pattern

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Quality Gates

Axios interceptor that implements Circuit Breaker pattern.

How to use?

Applying Circuit Breaker

For each target server that you want to control independently you need to create separate axios instance, and apply axiosCircuitBreaker interceptor to it.

For example, you want to have two circuit breakers, one for requests to test.com another for test2.com.

    const axios = require('axios');
    const { axiosCircuitBreaker, CircuitBreakerOpenError } = require('./index');

    const instanceTest1 =  axios.create({
        url: 'http://test1.com'


    const instanceTest2 =  axios.create({
        url: 'http://test2.com'

Configuring Circuit Breaker

In the example below, you can see that our function accepts second parameter with options; In the code snipped you can see default values for it, all of them are optional when you pass them;

    axiosCircuitBreaker(axios, {
        // By default, each Circuit Breaker will have auto-generated numeric id
        // though most of the time it is more convenient to have more meaningful id like "UserService", etc.
        // This ID is used in the logs that CircuitBreaker producing.
        id: "UserService",
        // Defines number of requests that need to fail before
        // Circuit Breaker will open;
        threshold: 50,
        // Defines period of time during which the threshold should be reached
        // to switch Circuit Breaker to OPEN state; 
        thresholdPeriodMs: 5000,
        // Defines number of requests that successfully completed in HALF_OPEN state
        // to switch Circuit Breaker to CLOSED state;
        numRequestsToCloseCircuit: 20,
        // Defines time required to switch Circuit Breaker from OPEN to HALF_OPEN;
        resetPeriodMs: 10000,
        // Defines a strategy that tells whether a request response should be counted
        // as fault; By default counts every request that has status code >= 500 as fault;
        isFault: (error) => error.response?.status >= 500,
        // Defines a logger that enables logging of internal state changes inside Circuit Breaker
        // By default, logger is disabled.
        logger: (message) => console.log(message)


Circuit Breaker starts in CLOSED state, that means any request can get to the server.

Circuit Breaker will count failed requests using isFault strategy defined in configuration to determine whether a request is failed.

When number of requests failed during thresholdPeriodMs crosses number defined in threshold option, it will enter OPEN state.

In OPEN state Circuit Breaker will prevent any request from happening and will throw CircuitBreakerOpenError.

After resetPeriodMs Circuit Breaker will enter HALF_OPEN state and will allow numRequestsToCloseCircuit number of requests to reach out to the server. Other requests will be cancelled with CicuitBreakerHalfOpenError. If at least one of requests fail, it will reset back to OPEN state.

When all requests in HALF_OPEN state succeed, it will go back to CLOSED state.