
Navitia's deployment mechanisms

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A set of fabric tasks to deploy, upgrade and manage Navitia2 platforms.

It is strongly tied to navitia_deployment_conf to deploy on CanalTP platforms. Specific informations for deployment on CanalTP platforms are available on confluence DEVOPS page, you can also get some inspiration from deploy_navitia_on_* jobs on Jenkins platform.


The main functions availables are in fabfile/tasks.py Before any use a pip install -r requirements.txt -U is advised.

Main feature examples:

  • Setup a server from scratch:

    PYTHONPATH=.:../navitia_deployment_conf/ fab use:dev deploy_from_scratch

  • Upgrade the version of navitia:

    PYTHONPATH=.:../navitia_deployment_conf/ fab use:dev upgrade_all


You can list all available tasks by:

fab --list

WARNING: When a task appears multiple times in that list, always use the namespaced ones. When you have deploy, kraken.deploy and jormungandr.deploy, there is no way to know for sure what deploy refers to.

General fabric command format (see below for pseudo-tasks):

PYTHONPATH=<path_to_fabric_navitia>:<path_to_configuration> python -u -m fabric --keepalive=20 pseudo-task1:params pseudo-task2:params task1:params task2:params ... taskn:params

equivalent to

PYTHONPATH=<path_to_fabric_navitia>:<path_to_configuration> fab --keepalive=20 pseudo-task1:params pseudo-task2:params task1:params task2:params ... taskn:params

The keepalive specifies an SSH keepalive interval. See http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.11/usage/fab.html for other parameters of fabric command line.

There are 3 tasks catagories:

  1. Deploy & upgrade,
  2. Management,
  3. Pseudo-tasks

Pseudo-tasks are not really tasks as their perform no action on the target platform. Pseudo tasks are for configuration of real tasks. Examples of pseudo-tasks are: "use" to select the target platform, "include" to select the set of coverages.

Task parameters are joined to task name after a colon (:) 1- Positional parameters = list of words separated by periods (no space).


2- Named parameters = list of "word=value" separated by periods (no space).


Mixing parameters types is possible as of python rules, i.e. positional parameters first, then named parameters.


use: Select a target platform. Will load and execute a configuration from a platform file in a configuration folder. Ex:

PYTHONPATH=<path_to_fabric_navitia>:<path_to_configuration> fab use:prod

Will load python module prod.py from "path_to_configuration" and run function prod().

include: Select a set of coverages. Will reduce the set of active coverages to the list of given positional paramters. Ex:

PYTHONPATH=<path_to_fabric_navitia>:<path_to_configuration> fab use:<platform> include:fr-idf,fr-lyon,us-ny,nz task

Will run the fabric task on this reduced set of coverages. Nota: specified coverages must be among the active coverages of the target platform.

exclude: Remove coverages from the active coverage set. Ex:

PYTHONPATH=<path_to_fabric_navitia>:<path_to_configuration> fab use:<platform> exclude:fr-idf,fr-lyon,us-ny,nz task

Will run the fabric task on the active set of coverages minus these specified coverages. Nota: specified coverages must be among the active coverages of the target platform.

set: force an api.env attribute value.

Deploy & Upgrade

deploy_from_scratch: (no params) deploy a fresh navitia2 on a new platform.

upgrade_all: deploy an upgrade of navitia2. This is the most complex task of fabric_navitia. It completely automates the upgrade process, which consists of:

  1. upgrade all navitia packages,
  2. migrate databases,
  3. launch rebinarization of all coverages,
  4. restart krakens and jormungandr,
  5. redeploy configurations (tyr, kraken, jormungandr),
  6. optionally, send mail at start and end of process

This task has 7 named parameters:

param Description
up_tyr (default=True) If false, will skip the upgrade of tyr package, as well as all binarizations
up_confs (default=True) If false, will skip the redeployment of configurations. Can save time if you know for sure that conf is not changed
kraken_wait (default=True) Wait when restarting krakens
check_version (default=True) Check packages version before upgrading
send_mail (default='no') Controls mail broadcast. Other values are 'start', 'end', 'all'
manual_lb (default=False) Switch load balancers control method (for prod only)
check_dead (default=True) Controls wether dead_instances threshold is applied or not

update_tyr_step: deploy an upgrade of tyr:

  1. upgrade tyr package,
  2. migrate databases,
  3. launch rebinarization of all coverages,

update_all_configurations: redeploy all configurations (tyr, jormun, coverages) and restarts all services (tyr, kraken, jormun).

update_instance: (param=coverage name) deploy a new coverage or deploy it again.

update_jormungandr_conf: deploy jormungandr configuration. Needs a restart_jormungandr to activate (see below).

deploy_jormungandr_instance_conf: (param=coverage name) deploy a jormungandr coverage. Needs a restart_jormungandr to activate.

remove_jormungandr_instance: (param=coverage name) remove a jormungandr coverage.

deploy_jormungandr_all_instances_conf: deploy all jormungandr coverages.

rollback_instance: (param=coverage name) Use this only if something goes wrong during deployment of an instance.


Some important management tasks:

restart_kraken: restart all krakens on all servers. Seldom used.

restart_jormungandr: restart jormungandr on all servers. Use to resynchronize jormun vs krakens or to activate new jormun configuration.

launch_rebinarization: (param=coverage name) launch a binarization on a single coverage, based on last dataset.

launch_rebinarization_upgrade: launch a migration (upgrade) of ed database and a binarization on all coverages, with a controlled level of parallelization.

Note : you can use the variable env.nb_thread_for_bina in the definition of the environment to parallelize binarizations.

clean_instances: Show and clean tyr instances still in DB but removed from conf.