

Gormungandr is the little brother of Jormungandr inside the navitia project.
It aims to be the front of navitia, like Jormungandr, but with better perfomance. Indeed, Gormungandr is implemented like a micro service in Golang. This service is under construction and just route_schedules API is implemented.


Written in

Gormungandr is written in Go.


The web API is powered by gin.
Supported API list :

  • /route_schedules exposes the route_schedules API for Navitia
  • /status exposes general information about the Gormungandr (This is not the status of Navitia)


To be compliant with Jormungandr, we have to

  • Implement the disruptions handling


To build this project you need at least go 1.17
Dependencies are handled by go modules as such it is recommended to not checkout this in your GOPATH.

To build the project you just need to run the following command, at the root of the project:

make build

If you want to run the tests:

make test

Run it

Gormungandr run with a bunch of input parameters:

./schedules -h
Usage of ./schedules:
      --auth-cache-timeout duration              timeout for cache on authentication calls to db
  -c, --connection-string string                 connection string to the jormungandr database (default "host=localhost user=navitia password=navitia dbname=jormungandr sslmode=disable")
      --json-log                                 enable json logging
      --kraken string                            zmq addr for kraken (default "tcp://localhost:3000")
      --listen string                            [IP]:PORT to listen (default ":8080")
      --log-level string                         log level: debug, info, warn, error (default "debug")
      --max-postresql-connections int            sets the maximum number of open connections to the database (default 20)
      --newrelic-appname string                  application name in new relic (default "gormungandr")
      --newrelic-license string                  license key new relic
      --pprof-listen string[="localhost:6060"]   address to listen for pprof. format: "IP:PORT"
  -r, --rabbitmq-dsn string                      connection uri for rabbitmq (default "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/")
      --skip-auth                                disable authentication
      --skip-stats                               disable statistics
      --stats-exchange string                    exchange where to send stats (default "stat_persistor_exchange_topic")
      --timeout duration                         timeout for call to kraken (default 1s)
      --version                                  show version

Run Gormungandr and call http://localhost:port/status


# local run
./schedules --listen localhost:5000 --kraken ipc:///tmp/default_kraken --skip-auth true

With a kraken linked to Gormungandr you can have access to route_schedules API

# classic route schedules call

With Docker

Use the pre-built docker image: navitia/schedules Several tags exists:

  • release/latest - The main tag. This is the last stable version
  • X.X.X - Each main version is tagged with a num
  • master - The current branch of development


To contribute, create a Github PR from your fork, we will please to read your contribution.
Don't forget to lint and format your code before to push, otherwise the CI will be merciless with you.

Install the linter.

# Install linter
make linter-install

Now you can

# Run linter
make lint

# Run formatting
make fmt