
A POC using a dynamic compiler (CodeDOM) and TCPListener to run in memory and remotly malicius instructions

MemoryShellCodeExploit (Source code published soon)

A POC using a dynamic compiler (CodeDOM) and TCPListener to run in memory and remotely malicius instructions

Image of Yaktocat

Basic Concept

Evade AV detection using dynamic compiler

Step 1 - The malware is executed by the victim

Step 2 - His load C# instructions from (in string format in this exemple):

  • tcp/ip
  • http rest
  • Unamaged ressources / Managed Ressources

Step 3 - The malware compile these instructions in memory and evade most AV.

  • To compile he can use:
  • Roslyn (+4.0 Framework)
  • CodeDOM (+2.0 Framework)
  • Mono

Proof Of Concept

Run a shellcode msgbox over network from a file appenrently trusted. In my case i have used :

  • A TCP Listener on port 444 (Often open in compagny) on the attacker computer
  • The C# CodeDOM compiler for most compatibility
  • Differents unsafe C# instructions to loading the msgbox shellcode Image of Yaktocat

Detections Ratio

Use Case (Same concept)

  • Execute a RunPe fully in memory to run a knowed malware
  • Use this network implement to run c# remotely
  • Make differents variant of malwares (signature, and polymorph)


I used Protocol Buffer for serialize/deserialize data sended over network. I used System.CodeDom.Compiler to compile C# instructions. I used System.Reflection Namespace to run compiled assembly in memory and evade AV.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details