npm install nexus-plugin-jwt-auth
Find full examples using both the built in permissions system or by leveragering nexus-plugin-shield:
- Basic Permissions - examples/basic-permissions
- Shield - examples/shield
// app.ts
import { use } from 'nexus'
import { auth } from 'nexus-plugin-jwt-auth'
// Enables the JWT Auth plugin without permissions
appSecret: "<YOUR SECRET>" // required
You may now access the token
object and it's properties on the Nexus context
Basic permissions can be added too.
// app.ts
import { use } from 'nexus'
import { auth } from 'nexus-plugin-jwt-auth'
// Define the paths you'd like to protect
const protectedPaths = [
// Enables the JWT Auth plugin with permissions
appSecret: "<YOUR SECRET>", // required
protectedPaths // optional
You can also access properties stored in the token.
In this example I sign the token on signup or login then store the userId in the token to be accessed directly in a query or mutation to find the authed user.
// Query.ts
import { schema } from 'nexus'
definition(t) {
t.field('me', {
type: 'User',
async resolve(_root, _args, ctx) {
const account = await ctx.db.user.findOne({
where: {
id: ctx.token.userId // This is the token object passed through the context
if (!user) {
throw new Error('No such user exists')
return user
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