Monitor Certificate Transparency logs for domains matching regexes.
This project uses CaliDog's CertStream-Server to subscribe to the public lists of new TLS sertificates being recorded in various Certificate Transparency Logs (CTLs).
New domains are checked against a user-supplies list of regexes, outputting matches
sudo curl -qfsSL "" -o "/usr/local/bin/ctlwatcher" && sudo chmod +xwr "/usr/local/bin/ctlwatcher" || curl -qfsSL "" -o "$HOME/bin/ctlwatcher" && chmod +xwr "$HOME/bin/ctlwatcher" 2>/dev/null
ctlwatcher -h
pushd $(mktemp -d) && git clone --filter "blob:none" "" && cd "./ctlwatcher"
export TARGET="x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" ; rustup target add "$TARGET" ; export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+crt-static"
sed '/^\[profile\.release\]/,/^$/d' -i "./Cargo.toml" ; echo -e '\n[profile.release]\nstrip = true\nopt-level = "z"\nlto = true' >> "./Cargo.toml"
cargo build --target "$TARGET" --release ; mv "./target/$TARGET/release/ctlwatcher" "$HOME/bin/ctlwatcher" ; popd
!# Install
sudo curl -qfsSL "" -o "/usr/local/bin/certstream-server-go" && sudo chmod +xwr "/usr/local/bin/certstream-server-go" || curl -qfsSL "" -o "$HOME/bin/certstream-server-go" && chmod +xwr "$HOME/bin/certstream-server-go" 2>/dev/null
certstream-server-go -h
!# Run
#Configure certstream-server-go
#kill zombie server
sudo pgrep -f "certstream-server-go" | xargs sudo kill -9 || pgrep -f "certstream-server-go" | xargs kill -9 2>/dev/null
rm "/tmp/server_config.yaml" 2>/dev/null
#Get Latest Config
wget "" -O "/tmp/server_config.yaml"
#Start Server
certstream-server-go -config "/tmp/server_config.yaml"
#nohup certstream-server-go -config "/tmp/server_config.yaml" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Instead of running your own server you could just point ctlwatcher to the official server at wss://
but to save CaliDog's bandwith I reccomend you run your own.
Then create a file containing regexes to match, one per line, e.g.:
Regex matching is using this library, which has an implicit .*
at the start and end of
every pattern, if the $^
anchors are not used.
# Where 'regexes.txt' contains list of regexes to match
ctlwatcher --regex-file regexes.txt --url "ws://localhost:8888"
# Use official/managed server
ctlwatcher --regex-file regexes.txt --url 'wss://'
# Help and more details
ctlwathcer --help
\.com ->
\.com ->
ftp.*\$ ->
git.*staging ->