
  1. You can store/assign a value or data in a variable with a variable name. So that you can use this value/data anywhere thoughout the programming by the variable name instead of using this data directly to the program

    bookName = 'Python 101'
    price = 499
    isAvailable = True
  2. Python is Case sensitive, Those are not same thing : [ a- z, A-Z] [a!=A]

  3. Space also a character: You can use any valid char when declaring variable, But try to keep it relevent

Anatomy of Variable:

So when we running the program, python's interpreter convert it's to computer hardware friendly language. and when the variable executes, it take some space in ram to store those variable data in a specific address so that program can retrive it easily.

bookName = 'Python 101'
 variable_name = value

So python is super smart and dynamic. We don't have to explain python which datatype it is. It detects it automatically. But we have to aware what is data type and when to use

Data Type:

  1. Integer age = 7 district = 64 income = 50000
  2. Float cgpa = 3.54 weight = 89.50
  3. String name = 'Mr. Bean' address = 'Bangladesh' text = 'You are 9 years old' text2 = '9'
  4. Boolean [ 1 - True , 0 - False] isPassed = True isRain = False

Introduct to F string : f"Hello, I am {name}"


  1. '+'

  2. '-'

  3. '*'

  4. '/'

  5. '%'

  6. '**'

    End Of Variable