
Here, I have decided to track my progress in the Python language by implementing my knowledge in creating a few projects. Hope you like it.

  • Project 1 : Calculator in Python to perform basic arithmetic operations.
  • Project 2 : Madlibs - Here you have to enter a bunch of adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc. without any context and they will be put into a paragraph with blanks in which they may or may not make sense. This will lead to the paragraph being funny and hopefully you will enjoy it.
  • Project 3 : Guess the number (user) - The computer will generate a random number and the user has to guess the right number.
  • Project 4 : Guess the number (computer) - The computer will guess your chosen number.
  • Project 5: Number guessing game - This program generates a random number and tracks how many guesses it takes you to correctly guess the number.
  • Project 6 : Email slicer - This program takes a particular email and slices it into the username, domain and extension.
  • Project 7 : Rock Paper Scissor - This program contains a simple rock paper scissor game.
  • Project 8 : Leap year checker - This program checks whether the entered year is a leap year or not.
  • Project 9 : Marvel DC Quiz - This is a simple quiz game that tests your Marvel and DC knowledge and gives you a percentage score based on how well you do in the quiz.