
NVim integration for redux using telescope and ripgrep

Primary LanguageLua


Simplify navigation in redux projects with telescope.

Treesitter queries written intelligently to find redux-related code in your entire project in milliseconds.

  • ✔️ List dispatch(...) calls in your entire project
  • ✔️ List your reducer action definitions
    • ✔️ Raw definitions in switch cases
    • ✔️ redux-toolkit action definitions


ripgrep needs to be available on your system.

use 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim


Note: this doesn't work on any stable release of neovim currently due to a bug in neovim's treesitter api. The only way this plugin can work right now is by building neovim yourself. This is as of 13th of February 2022.

Confirmed to work with neovim 0.7.0 NVIM v0.7.0-dev+1070-gf89f4b1e1

use 'Azeirah/nvim-redux'


No configuration or setup needed. All you have to do is configure your keybindings.

# lrd = locate, redux, dispatch
nmap <leader>lrd :lua require('nvim-redux').list_dispatch_calls()<CR>
# lra = locate, redux, action
nmap <leader>lra :lua require('nvim-redux').list_actions_in_switch_reducer()<CR>


List dispatch calls in telescope

Displays example of dispatch listing in telescope

Searches your project for calls to dispatch(...).


List redux action definitions in telescope

Displays example of action definition listing in telescope

Finds all redux action definitions. Supports both raw action definitions as well as reducers defined in slices using react toolkit.

// Find raw actions
switch (action.type) {
    case 'this_is_an_action_that_will_be_found':

// Reducer actions defined using redux-toolkit are also supported!
const someSlice = createSlice({
    reducers: {
        youCanFindMe: state => {...},
        andMe(state) {...}
