
Extends the classic Dining Philosophers problem to a larger group of philosophers. The problem requires finding a solution that allows all the philosophers to eat without deadlock or starvation, even as the number of philosophers increases.

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The 42 Philosophers problem is a synchronization and concurrency challenge that extends the classic Dining Philosophers problem to a larger group of philosophers. The problem requires finding a solution that allows all the philosophers to eat without deadlock or starvation, even as the number of philosophers increases.

Maybe you can handle 5 philosophers, but can you handle more?!



Here are the things you need to know if you want to succeed this assignment:
- One or more philosophers sit at a round table.
There is a large bowl of spaghetti in the middle of the table.
- The philosophers alternatively eat, think, or sleep.
While they are eating, they are not thinking nor sleeping;
while thinking, they are not eating nor sleeping;
and, of course, while sleeping, they are not eating nor thinking.
- There are also forks on the table. There are as many forks as philosophers.
- Because serving and eating spaghetti with only one fork is very inconvenient, a
philosopher takes their right and their left forks to eat, one in each hand.
- When a philosopher has finished eating, they put their forks back on the table and
start sleeping. Once awake, they start thinking again. The simulation stops when
a philosopher dies of starvation.
- Every philosopher needs to eat and should never starve.
- Philosophers don’t speak with each other.
- Philosophers don’t know if another philosopher is about to die.
- No need to say that philosophers should avoid dying!

Rules (Mandatory Part):

  • Each philosopher should be a thread.
  • There is one fork between each pair of philosophers. Therefore, if there are several philosophers, each philosopher has a fork on their left side and a fork on their right side. If there is only one philosopher, there should be only one fork on the table.
  • To prevent philosophers from duplicating forks, you should protect the forks state with a mutex for each of them.

Rules (Bonus Part):

The program of the bonus part takes the same arguments as the mandatory program. It has to comply with the requirements of the Global rules chapter.

  • All the forks are put in the middle of the table.
  • They have no states in memory but the number of available forks is represented by a semaphore.
  • Each philosopher should be a process. But the main process should not be a philosopher.