This repository is designed to provide a simple and effective way to run Valgrind, C, C++ code. If you're a 42 student, this repo is a must-have resource for you to check for memory leaks in your C/C++ code and perfecting your skills ;)
To create a Linux virtual environment with Docker on a Mac:
- Install Docker via the Managed Software Center.
- Clone the 42toolbox repository and run the file which is provided in this repo too.
- Check that Docker is running by checking the Docker icon in the top right corner. Note it may take some time.
- Create a directory called "docker_image" and a Dockerfile within it.
- In the Dockerfile, specify the instructions to build the Linux image by using the following:
# Sets the base image as the latest version of Arch Linux
FROM archlinux:latest
# Updates the system's package databases and # Installing some packages (feel free to add packages that you need)
RUN pacman -Syy
RUN echo "Y" | pacman -Syu
RUN echo "Y" | pacman -S gcc git make vim sudo gdb valgrind zsh glibc python3 python-pip unzip wget curl cmake
# Adds a new user "asioud" to the system and set a password for it
RUN useradd -m -G users -s /bin/bash asioud
RUN echo "asioud:strongpwd" | chpasswd
# Grants administrative privileges to the "asioud" user
RUN echo 'asioud ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo
# Installs Pygments and Norminette for the new user
RUN su - asioud -c "pip install --user pygments norminette"
# Sets the system time zone to Europe/Berlin by copying the time zone information to the /etc/localtime file.
RUN cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime
# Sets the PATH environment variable to include the $HOME/.local/bin directory. (colour-valgrind doesn't work without it)
RUN echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.zshrc
- In the terminal, navigate to the home directory and run
docker build -t arch:42 docker_image/
to build the Docker image. - Running the script to get inside the Linux container: Details are not provided in the original text.
# Get the name of the script
me=`basename "$0"`
# Strip the path to the home directory from the current working directory
# Get the absolute path to the script
SCRIPTPATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"
# Construct a variable for the home directory in the container
# Check if an alias for the script exists in the .zshrc file
if grep -q "alias archlinux=" $HOME/.zshrc; then
echo ""
# If the alias doesn't exist, add it to the .zshrc file
echo "alias archlinux=${SCRIPTPATH}/${me}" >> $HOME/.zshrc
# Run the Docker container
docker run -it \
--dns --dns \
--workdir=$VAR \
-e "OSTYPE=archlinux" \
-e "SHELL=/bin/zsh" \
-e "TERM=xterm-256color" \
-e "HOSTNAME=archlinux" \
--user=asioud \
--privileged=true \
--hostname=archlinux \
-v $HOME:/home/asioud \
You are now logged in your docker Linux container and you've mounted the mac's home directory into the arch's linux home directory.