
  • It's a spring boot microservice to process big file efficiently and store into DB.

Non Functional Requirements

  • There is big file approx 1 GB, we need to process and store.
  • We can generate mock data from this website
  • Currently, we need to focus on 1 file later if required we can update the logic to support multiple files.

Functional Requirements

  • We need to create Spring Boot Rest API with one end point to take file as a parameter.
  • Backend we need to Process via Spring Batch to store this file into DB.
    • We should fine tune spring batch to achieve good performance with the help of TaskExecutor
  • We need to use H2 in-memory DB.
  • We will consider users.csv with columns [first_name, last_name, age] to be uploaded.

How to run

  • It's a gradle project simply run below commands to run
./gradlew clean build bootRun


  • Swagger already integrated please check this url


CSV file:

first_name last_name age
Ali Azhar 1
Umaima Azhar 5
Muhammad Zuhayr Azhar 3
Thread configuration for TaskExecutor
  • Below are my Ubuntu machine details:
Architecture x86_64
CPU op-mode(s) 32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order Little Endian
CPU(s) 12
On-line CPU(s) list 0-11
Thread(s) per core 2
Core(s) per socket 6
Socket(s) 1
NUMA node(s) 1
Vendor ID GenuineIntel
CPU family 6
Model 158
Model name Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Stepping 10
  • As above mentioned I have 6 core and two thread per core possible to run in my machine.
  • So I have done TaskExecutor on top of my machine.
public TaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
    ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
    return executor;
  • We can cross verify data from db as well.
  • Please have a look on this url


  • Spring Batch creating extra table to monitor Spring Batch performance/details


Unit Test Coverage
  • For Unit test coverage report please check here after project build


Current performance test:
  • 16 lack records file size 28 MB processed in 18s
  • Current csv file have only three columns if we increase columns then 16 lack records file size will around 400 MB.
  • I believe we can process 1 GB data.
Sequence Diagrams:
  • Data process sequence diagram:


  • Spring Batch Job sequence diagram:
