

You are required to model the following fare card system which is a limited version of London’s Oyster card system. At the end of the test, you should be able to demonstrate a user loading a card with £30, and taking the following trips, and then viewing the balance.

  • Tube Holborn to Earl’s Court
  • 328 bus from Earl’s Court to Chelsea
  • Tube Earl’s court to Hammersmith
  • All bus journey doesn't belong to any zone.
  • If User start his journey at zone 1 and end his journey at zone 2 it means two zones.
  • If User start his journey at zone 1 and end his journey at zone 3 it means three zones.
  • Other than bus journey we need to deduct 3.20 max fare in advanced if user will not do swipe-out at the end of journey he will be charges with max fare.
  • In Bus journey max fare would be 1.80 in both cases user swipe-out or not swipe-out.

Stations and zones:

Stations Zones
Holborn 1
Earl’s Court 1,2
Wimbledon 3
Hammersmith 2


Journey Fare
Anywhere in Zone 1 £2.50
Any one zone outside zone 1 £2.00
Any two zones including zone 1 £3.00
Any two zones excluding zone 1 £2.25
Any three zones £3.20
Any bus journey £1.80


  • Java8
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • H2 DB
  • Spring Doc open API
  • Gradle project
  • JUnit 5
  • JaCoCo
  • Docker

How to run

Run as a Docker
Build Docker image
  • Run below command:
./gradlew bootBuildImage --imageName=az-farecard-service
Run Docker image
docker run -p 8080:8080 az-farecard-service
Run without Docker
./gradlew clean build bootRun
Code coverage report
  • Make sure SonarQube server up and running or execute below command
docker run -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:6.7.5
  • Please validate SonarQube server up
  • Default username/password admin/admin
  • Please run below command to check SonarQube report
./gradlew clean build sonarqube

How to use:

  • Limiting the scope of requirements I have inserted some cards with initial balance in DB by data.sql.
  • In resources folder I have added schema.sql and data.sql for DB and predefined cards.
  • There are four cards available for testing with cardId would be one of [1,2,3,4].
  • Limiting the scope of requirements I'm assuming there will be only three zones so zoneId would be one of [0,1,2,3]
  • You can easily test whole application with swagger-ui.

Useful links (after running application):


Use-Case-1 [Anywhere in Zone 1 (fare=2.50)]:
  • User swipeIn his card from zone 1 and backend API will be triggered with below request:
  "zoneId": 1,
  "swipeType": "IN"
  • In the response you will get remaining balance:
  • User swipeOut his card with in zone 1 then: Request
  "zoneId": 1,
  "swipeType": "OUT"


Use-Case-2 [Any one zone outside zone 1 (Fare = 2.00)]:
  • User swipeIn his card from zone 2 and backend API will be triggered with below request:
  "zoneId": 2,
  "swipeType": "IN"
  • In the response you will get remaining balance:
  • User swipeOut his card with in zone 2 then: Request
  "zoneId": 2,
  "swipeType": "OUT"


Use-Case-3 [Any two zones including zone 1 (Fare = 3.00)]:
  • User swipeIn his card from zone 1 and backend API will be triggered with below request:
  "zoneId": 1,
  "swipeType": "IN"
  • In the response you will get remaining balance:
  • User swipeOut his card with in zone 2 then: Request
  "zoneId": 2,
  "swipeType": "OUT"


Use-Case-4 [Any two zones excluding zone 1 (Fare = 2.25)]:
  • User swipeIn his card from zone 2 and backend API will be triggered with below request:
  "zoneId": 2,
  "swipeType": "IN"
  • In the response you will get remaining balance:
  • User swipeOut his card with in zone 3 then: Request
  "zoneId": 3,
  "swipeType": "OUT"


Use-Case-5 [Any three zones (Fare = 3.20)]:
  • User swipeIn his card from zone 1 and backend API will be triggered with below request:
  "zoneId": 1,
  "swipeType": "IN"
  • In the response you will get remaining balance:
  • User swipeOut his card with in zone 3 then: Request
  "zoneId": 3,
  "swipeType": "OUT"


Use-Case-6 [Any bus journey (Fare = 1.80)]:
  • User swipeIn his card from zone 0 (because all bus journey doesn't belong to any zone) and backend API will be triggered with below request:
  "zoneId": 0,
  "swipeType": "IN"
  • In the response you will get remaining balance:
  • User swipeOut his card with in zone 1 then: Request
  "zoneId": 0,
  "swipeType": "OUT"



Plus points:

  • TDD reporting with the help of JaCoCo.
  • SonarQube plugin also configured for Code quality, coverage , vulnerabilities and many more.
  • Docker Image, so we can easily build, ship and deploy.
  • Swagger-UI, Spring doc open API configured so that we can use swagger-UI for testing purpose.
  • @EnableJpaAuditing, Spring Data JPA Auditing is active.

Useful screenshot:

Swagger-UI Coverage Report Tests-Report H2-Console Sonar Qube Sonar Qube

Improvement points:

  • Zone and stations should come from DB dynamically, right now I have hardcoded.
  • We should have authentication and authorization for accessing endpoints.
  • We should have UserController OR user endpoint for login and registration purpose.
  • We should link cards with Customers on top customers registration.
  • Then after we should have spring-security with JTW token base authentication & authorization.
  • We should use Drools for fare rules. So we don't need to hard code rules by if-else wise.
  • Right Spring data jpa auditing implemented half some more fields still needs to cover.