
A simple nice android ProgressBar view which can be easily customized, and also it's value can be easily modified.

Primary LanguageJava


A simple nice android ProgressBar view which can be easily customized, and also it's value can be easily modified.

Changable attributes are size (Width, Height), foreground (Progress) colour, background colour, border colour, and filling direction including up to down and down to up (Verical Filling) and (Horizontal Filling).
And also it can be filled during runtime like an animation with custom time and frames.

This is an example of the view:-


  1. First add it to your project by adding this implementation to your Project's app gradle.build dependencies:-
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.example.easyprogressbar:easyprogressbar:0.1.0'
  1. And add to your activity using one of the below described ways:-

    • Add the view into your layout XML file:-
    • Or Add it programmatically in the java code:-
    EasyProgressBar progressBar = new EasyProgressBar(this, Color.WHITE, Color.GREEN, EasyProgressBar.LEFT_TO_RIGHT);
    RelativeLayout parent = findViewById(R.id.parent);
    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) progressBar.getLayoutParams();
    layoutParams.height = 10;
    layoutParams.width = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;


  • backColor : The color of the backgound(unfilled) area of the progress bar.
  • foreColor : The color of the filled area of the progress bar.
  • border : The color of the frame of the progress bar.
  • foreColor : The color of the filled area of the progress bar.
  • fillDirection : The direction of filling progress, options are (leftToRight, rightToLeft, upToDown, downToUp).
  • value : Current progress value of the progress bar which measured per maxValue.
  • maxValue : Max value of the progress bar.


there are setters and getters for every attribute, and also some other methods such as:-

  • Constructor public EasyProgressBar(Context context, int backColor, int foreColor, int fillDirection) let you create the view programmatically with these parameters which described before.
  • void setValue(double progressValue) : sets the current progress value to progressValue.
  • void setMaxValue(double maxValue) : sets the max value to maxValue and the value would be changed to fit the before position per the new maxValue.
  • void addValue(double valueToAdd) : adds valueToAdd to the current progress value.
  • void addValueAnimated(double valueToAdd_, final double seconds, final int frames) : adds valueToAdd_ to the progress bar or fill it like an animation per maxValue, the seconds parameter is the number of the seconds the animation spend to complete, and the frames parameter is the refresh rate of the animation per seconds parameter.
  • void addValueAnimated(double valueToAdd_, final double seconds, final int frames, final Runnable afterAdded) : this method is exactly like the bove method instead of this is listenening to completion time and then run the afterAdded tasks after the animation completed.

Some Notes

  • You can't animate a view when its currently animating.
  • You can't use numbers below zero to the value, and also for the maxValue.
  • maxValue should be bigger than zero.
  • maxValue's default value is 100.
  • you can set the width and the height of the view as you like.

Created with ❤️ by Azhy Slemany.