
Staging ground for the exploration and development of systems useful for infrastructure simulation toys and games, with a focus on the city simulator genre.

Primary LanguageGDScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Staging ground for the exploration and development of systems useful for infrastructure simulation toys and games, with a focus on the city simulator genre.

It contains various more or less loose parts that might prove useful for other projects and for reference.

To see which license applies to which parts, see Licensing.

Reading Guide:

  • Paths or file names pefixed by "(*)" indicate that they are somewhere in the code base. This is useful if they're somewhat likely to change location and unlikely to be mixed up with other files when using some tool to search the code base (so, maybe not (*)facade.tscn or something. :p).
  • When referencing object-oriented code, method and member names are prefixed by ..
  • Is * used in a path directly, it's to be read like a wildcard, referring to all files that would match. Example: main_scenes/root* would refer to main_scenes/root.tscn and main_scenes/root.gd.

The Runtime Portion

Mostly for development, there are a variety of scenes and scripts in main_scenes which can be picked using buttons. The buttons are generated by the dev-menu system which can be looked at in the sub-folder main_scenes_lib, based on the contents of the folder res://main_scenes. By default, F9 toggles the visibility of the dev-menu. The chosen scene is saved in user://dev.config, as defined in res://global_defaults.gd. For camera controls and how to save the camera's state, see PlayerWorldInterface.


In the global_libs directory, there are a number of fits and starts of libraries, as well as stubs that might not contain anything yet, but serve as "sticky notes" of sorts for future units of code organization.


There's currently very little, but this is where stuff for orchestrating the generation and fitting-together of city parts is supposed to go, e.g. classes/data structures that encode the dimensions of a house and the nature of its sides, so it can be generated to fit its surroundings.


When messing around with vertices, some functionality is best plopped in a function, so it's simple to re-use but also for people to just copy and use in other projects. The "city_" prefix of this library means that its functions have some sort of bias towards use with city stuff, or at least things related to buildings.

An example of this is shear_line, which provides the core functionality of .shear_vertices of ALine of mesh_lib. The city bias comes in with the y-axis getting special treatment.


Mostly classes helpful for building meshes based on godot's ArrayMesh. The core of them are organized in a class hierarchy which builds on a common base class ASegment, which is a wrapper around three kinds of arrays: ArrayMesh.ARRAY_VERTEX, ArrayMesh.ARRAY_NORMAL and ArrayMesh.ARRAY_TEX_UV, which can each be obtained by calling .get_array_vertex, .get_array_normal and .get_array_tex_uv respectively (which, in the base implementation, return their underscore-prefixed counterparts (e.g. ._array_vertex)). The A prefix in these classes stands for "Array", as in"ArrayMesh", as opposed to hypothetical AM classes, which would stand for"ArrayMesh".

Any class that builds on ASegment can override these methods and do what's necessary there for its functionality.

ATransformableSegment is a particularly notable subclass, as it introduces transformability using Transform3D, making it easier to build segments out of other segments. Notably it keeps an untransformed ASegment as a member, .untransformed, which it references whenever its values are (re-)calculated. It also introduces an important method into the class hierarchy, .apply_all, which re-calculates the internal state of the object, in this case ._array_vertex. It may be overriden by subclasses as needed.

This also introduces the concept of explicitly calling .apply_... methods after making alterations to segment objects, which makes it possible to have segment classes which can be altered without frivolous re-calculations before all the necessary changes for an appropriate re-calculation are done.

AVertexTrackingSegment introduces .vertices: Array[Vertex], whereas every Vertex object maps to one or multiple Vector3 of the vertex array. They act as delegates of sorts, knowing both an .untransformed_segment and a .transformed_segment, with the latter intended to hold a reference to the segment they belong to and the former its .untransformed segment. They're also explicitly permitted to make direct alterations to ._array_vertex of both segments.

This enables the convenient reference and alteration of vertices that overlap on the same position, but are, for some higher-level purposes, the same vertex.

Built on that is AModifiableSegment which features a modifier stack. Modifiers are subclasses of Modifier (coming with M-prefixed names), which implement the .modify method to define their behaviour. The method gets called in the apply_all pipeline, specifically by apply_modifiers, which passes an IndexChangeTrackingSegmentMutator to.modify exposing the segment the pipeline is going over as .segment, as well as various methods to alter the segment whilst making sure that all the vertex tracking stuff introduced by AVertexTrackingSegment is still being kept in order. The .segment there corresponds to .untransformed as far as anAModifiableSegment object is concerned. A good example of what this looks like is MShearVertices.

Then come the segment classes for primitives which are subclasses of AModifiableSegment, such as AQuad or ALine.

Also a subclass of it is AMultiSegment, which serves as a base class for segment classes designed to combine segment objects into more complex segments, such as AHorizontallyFoldedTriangle.


Included in mesh_lib, it provides ADebugOverlay, which can be used to visualize vertices and their values in ArrayMesh.ARRAY_VERTEX-arrays.


The place for city-specific mesh_lib-like/based stuff. Currently contains ATwoSidedRoof (an AMultiSegment), an attempt at a procedural gabled roof with an ascending/descending ridge (the corresponding "Mess" workspace is (*)a_side_roof_mess.*).


A system to stick Node3Ds together by the means of PartConnector objects. This is done using PartControl objects, which are passed a Node3D to act on upon instantiation. The connectors are gleaned from the Node3D's skeleton if available, or the fallback skeleton the PartConnector generates for itself if the Node3D doesn't have one (it looks for a node named "Skeleton3D", which should be there if the object (in Blender) is parented to an armature (assuming gltf/glb export)).

PartControl is designed as a base class which is either fully usable out of the box for simple scenarios with no more than two bones or to be subclassed to support other use cases. Importantly, it provides default_receiving_connector and default_docking_connector. If the fallback skeleton is used they reference the same connector.

For subclassing, there are ._init_... methods which can be overriden without having to re-noodle ._init.

Notably, connector bones are modeled by Node3DTailedBone, which means the system expects each bone to have a counterpart suffixed by _Tail by default. The vector between a bone and its tail is to be understood as the direction it is facing, with the tail supposed to be the "away" point, as in the point the vector is pointing towards.

city_part_lib & city_parts

BasicBuildingPartControl is a subclass of PartControl from part_lib, and introduces two connectors that could serve as a basis for every city part expected to work with the part system: A bottom left front and bottom right front connector - based on matching bones, of course.

A subclass of this is BasicFacadePartControl, which introduces a top left front connector, of course with the expectation of a matching (tailed) bone on the skeleton.

A skeleton used for a city part with this system should have the following bones:

  • Bottom_Left_Front and Bottom_Left_Front_Tail.
  • Bottom_Right_Front and Bottom_Right_Front_Tail.
  • and, if it's a facade, also Top_Left_Front and Top_Left_Front_Tail.

There's also PartTransformer, which is concerned with things like changing the size of a part according to some other metric, like columns in a facade grid, for example. Currently, the function respan_3_columns makes use of it.

A very basic, experimental example of this can be looked at in (*)blender_house_assembly_mess.gd.


Currently in its early experimental stages and subject to wild changes, it enables the JSON-export of meshes from Blender and runtime-import into Godot.

The Blender exporter addon lives in res://utils/raw_export/blender_addon, in the sub-dir raw_export. The sub-dir dev contains the files needed to develop the addon, such as a blend-file with a test cube, a coordinate texture for it (which has been copied into res://assets/parts/textures/, since the dev-dir has a .gdignore file) and start.sh, which creates a blender_user_config dir in dev, links the addon into it, and then starts Blender with the addon available.

Mind you that the current default config of the script is to link the user's Blender config into it as well, which means activating the addon in Preferences is still required, and will enable it for your Blender install in general. That will probably change, though.

!!! WARNING !!!: start.sh still has had little testing, and there were (now fixed) issues where the system user's hotkeys ended up getting overwritten. Considering untested constellations and future changes in Blender this might not account for in time, it's probably best to take a backup of your Blender settings and hotkeys before using it.

Besides that, start.sh is highly configurable and written so that it could be used for Blender addon development in general. Unlike the addon itself, which is licensed as GPL-3.0-or-later, start.sh is licensed under the terms of the MIT.

The (runtime) importer code is currently in res://global_lib/raw_export, and res://main_scenes/raw_export_cube_assembly_mess.* is the "mess" where the development of raw_export, as well as adjacent developments (such as relevant improvements of mesh_lib) are coming together.

As of commit 310b3e214a1731f09121a142e00e6bc44970f36f, the mess is rendering vertices and UVs as expected. It also looks like the normals are correct, but the cube might not be the best model to tell. Some more work might have to be done to accommodate normals regarding transforms, too.

Also, note that the coordinates on the texture refer to Blender, and aren't the same in Godot. What matters here is that an object's side is the same in Blender and Godot - e.g. the right, front or top side are the same in both, and that there is an out-of-the-box-no-further-ado way for that to be the case.

As such, Blender coordinates shouldn't be literally referenced in Godot to associate things with vertices. That should be the realm of the metadata feature, which isn't implemented yet.

How does this tie into city games?

Once the model-combination feature is implemented, it'll enable procedural mesh generation based on Blender modeled mesh pieces. The idea is that, for example, one would be able to model and texture windows, doors, facade decorations and other architectural pieces that belong to facades in Blender, and then, in the game, at runtime, combine those JSON-exported pieces into one single MeshInstance, including UV maps, normals and texture mappings.

Why is the Blender exporter not a "proper" export plugin?

This leaves room for the idea to run the JSON-exporter in a constantly running Blender process serving as a standing asset generator whilst the game is running.

However, at least as of the time of this writing, citygamesystems isn't particularly committed to relying on that kind of "Blender server" (if you want to call it that), but its development is mindful of the option.

There's currently (a not yet published) experiment called "Noodleplosion" which contains a working proof-of-concept TCP/IP server in Blender. That could be built upon in order to tap into Blender's power, such as geometry nodes, in order for a city game to request JSON-meshes from a running Blender process according to basic frame-meshes and/or curves (e.g. roads, adjacent building frames, etc.).

This architecture could also be useful for other types of generators, e.g. AI based ones, or entirely different workflows, such as players using Blender to create ingame-objects on the fly, or for modders to have a much faster feedback loop during the asset creation process.


Basically a camera, focused on an RTS-style view and with development features in mind. It can be found in res://world_objects/player_world_interface. For copy-pasting it into another project, mind that it also needs some of the files in res://global_lib/nilable_types.

By default, F4 saves the camera's state to user://dev.config and quits. Be aware that currently, the state isn't per scene. So, if you save the state in one scene, it'll be loaded by any PlayerWorldInterface that's being instantiated, regardless of scene.

It's built to work out of the box with sane defaults once copied into a project. Features are configurable in the inspector, and if you'd like to customize the keybindings, just add the relevant action(s) to the input map (it's designed to prioritize your project's action settings unless you check Override Existing Actions in the inspector. Caveat: If your project has actions with the same name without a keybinding and PlayerWorldInterface is not configured to override, it will currently have no keybinding for the affected actions as a result).

It supports floating as well as collision-based "sliding" on a surface, switching between the modes by double-tapping space (by default).

Debugging Tools


res://dev/visualization was built to aid with debugging using visual indicators and "noodle" connections between them, which would be useful when debugging node graphs (the transportation network kind, not the Blender kind xD). It features chainable methods, so the indicators can be set up in a (line-broken) "one-liner" wrapped in an assert statement. This enables debugging indicators that are only included in debug builds.

Be wary of the clunkiness of the builder-pattern-esque typing of the chainable methods and how it interacts with subclassing, though.


For quick visual debugging, simple CSG-based indicators constructed in functions has proven to be more wieldy than the Visualization library. Cavedig has become the place where these go, with the name inspired by the term "caveman debugging". ;)

However, in that spirit, it's also the place for any sort of whipped up indicator serving such a purpose.

It can be found in res://dev/cavedig.


Found in res://dev/PlaneMap, it's a basic plane with noise displacement supporting mouse clicks for testing things.

3D Models & Textures

Facade D: A Rough Prototype for Prefabricated Building Parts

The project files for this can be found here. They're CC0.

The 3D model itself, (*)facade_b.gltf, is used in main_scenes/blender_house_assembly_mess.*.

This is a first stab at a workflow for building parts (using part_lib) that can be used for procedural generation. In this case, it's a whole facade, which would still allow for a more hands-on approach to building design, but also allow for procedurally generated floor plans (according to which the facades would then be put together).

However, it also pays respect to a particular idea of sub-facade parts, where facades (or partial facades) would be organized in a grid and parts would be built with that grid in mind, so they could be combined procedurally to form facades or partial facades.

That is why in the .blend file, you'll see *Grid* objects (e.g. QuarterGrid_Middle), that are supposed to help with alignment when making facade parts. Facade D is thought to be partitioned as follows: Vertically, it consists of a left (4 quarters), middle (6 quarters) and right portion (4 quarters). Horizontally it's divided into storeys, whereas 1 storey is 4 quarters high. The grid starts 2 quarters below the surface line, in order to accommodate the offset caused by the half-storey height of its foundation.

Armature bones serve as hints for part_lib-based procedural systems to understand the part's most basic "snap" points (and, beyond the scope of this particular implementation, any snap point really), thus Facade_D features the three minimally required bones for CityPartLib.BasicFacadePartControl on the skeleton, which is called Facade_D_Skeleton in Blender (you can see it when unfolding the Facade_D object) and Skeleton3D in Godot:

  • Bottom_Left_Front: Assuming that parts would be assembled from left to right, bottom to top, this point would mostly be used to snap a facade part to the previous part in the assembly.
  • Bottom_Right_Front: When assembling a storey (left to right), this is where the next facade part would be snapped to (using the Bottom_Left_Front bone of that next part).
  • Top_Left_Front: For the first part in a storey, this is where the first part of the next storey (assuming bottom-to-top assembly direction) would snap to. It's also the snap-to point for the first part of a roof assembly (or a whole roof part if it was procedurally generated as a whole mesh).

This would also enable slightly different facade assembly algorithms, e.g. one where facade parts are stacked on top of each other, with the resulting stacks then fit together horizontally.

The Texture - Exploring an AI-Based Workflow

Originally this was centered around the official Stable Diffusion model (1.4), which showed promising results even without any fine-tuning. With the advent of the Mitsua model, which is trained on CC0 data and some additional datasets with permission, the process was switched to Mitsua. As the original process, which involved generating a whole facade with one door and 9 windows in one go, didn't work very well with Mitsua (no fine-tuning), the process now involves various masks to inpaint the windows and the door into a (generated) facade.

The base facade image for this was generated using img2img, using a "template" image (see the facade_d_1.*_grid_fixed.xcf files). The files contain guides that help in placing the windows and the door, whereas the overall canvas is to be thought of as corresponding to the grid in the Blender file (the QuarterGrid_Middle object in Blender when viewed from the front (the1 (numpad) view if you use the default shortcuts)). However, as the grid in the file is offset by two of its quads on Blender's z axis, it doesn't correspond precisely here, as the texture doesn't come with a sous-de-terre bit. Also, mind you that the windows and the door here only serve as a basis for Mitsua to generate window and door shaped approximations that serve as a base for inpainting.

The template idea could be expanded into fully automated facade generation at runtime, albeit it would either have to be exact enough to map to a 3D facade model, or such a model would have to be generated based on the generated facade texture (basically what's been done by hand here).


The default license for the project is MIT (refer to LICENSE-MIT). The license of the blender addon raw_export is GPL-3.0-or-later (the LICENSE-GPL file in the repository's root is included for the sole purpose of GitHub picking it up (via licensee), so that it's clear that not everything is licensed under the MIT).

Some files are also released according to the CC0:

Textures (the CC0 also applies to the corresponding PBR maps for each file):
