Project Board Here
- General guidelines
- Reception points
- Map link
We have some sample data exported in json below, but we now write our data to DynamoDB. Do not attempt to write json to the file system, which is mostly read-only.
Format (TBC):
- Poland:
// JSON format.
"general": [ "str1", "str2"],
"reception": [
"qr": "image link",
"gmaps": "gmaps link",
"address": "address",
// Example with real data.
"general": [
"Jeżeli uciekasz przed konfliktem zbrojnym na Ukrainie, zostaniesz wpuszczony do Polski.",
"Jeżeli nie masz zapewnionego miejsca pobytu w Polsce, udaj się do najbliższego punktu recepcyjnego.",
"reception": [
"qr": "",
"gmaps": "środek+Kultury+i+Turystyki/@51.1653246,23.8026394,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4723890b09b9cd4d:0x5747c0a6dfbbb992!8m2!3d51.1653213!4d23.8048281",
"address": "Pałac Suchodolskich Gminny Ośrodek Kultury i Turystyki, ul. Parkowa 5, 22-175 Dorohusk – osiedle "
Poland border crossing info:
Moldova border crossing info:
We've got some basic integration tests put together for the scrapers. They'll scrape the real websites and do some sanity checks, but won't actually write to dynamo. You'll need tox:
pip install tox
Then, from the project directory:
Dependencies are tracked in requirements.txt. For the moment, we install all dependencies locally to the deps folder:
pip install -r requirements.txt --target=deps
...and we track them in git. Yes, it's tacky, and we want to ditch this approach in favor of a better deployment process (GitHub Actions), but for now we're doing it quick and dirty so we can get stuff working in AWS.
If you add a dependency, pop in in requirements.txt. Make sure you run the tests. And try to run your stuff in AWS, too, which may not play quite as nicely with some libraries as your local machine does.
You'll want to zip up the entire project folder (but not the folder itself) and upload that to a Lambda function, then hit the "Test" button. You'll need to get AWS access from someone on the Discord channel.
We (will) use Black to enforce a consistent style. This will run in CI, and will apparently be available as a Git hook (once the PR makes it in).