This program fixes remote code execution vulnerability in log4j2 (v2.0.0 - v2.14.1).
This program can be used as wrapper for another jar file:
java -javaagent:Log4j2Fix-1.0.0.jar ...
or java -jar Log4j2Fix-1.0.0.jar another-jar-file.jar [main class if MANIFEST.MF does not have Main-Class attribute] [arguments]
(例) java -javaagent:Log4j2Fix-1.0.3.jar -jar paper-1.15.2.jar
もしくは java -jar Log4j2Fix-1.0.3.jar paper-1.15.2.jar
- This does not protect from ldap server hosted by localhost (
- If installed on server, it does not protect client from being abused. To protect the client, you would need a different solution such as blocking a malicious packet.
- If installed on Minecraft server, you can protect the client by doing these additionally:
- (Cancel malicious
on BungeeCord) - Using SpigotLog4j2Fix on Spigot/Paper
- Cancel outbound packet that contains malicious string
- (Cancel malicious
- Or alternatively, you can upgrade log4j2 to