Microsoft Power BI Dashboard Projects

This repository contains three Power BI projects showcasing advanced data analytics and visualization for actionable insights. Each dashboard is tailored to specific datasets, enabling detailed analysis and user interaction.


Project 1: Crime Analysis Report

This dashboard focuses on analyzing crime data to identify trends, patterns, and insights.


  • Total Crimes: Displays the total number of reported crimes.

  • Crime Distribution by Year: Visualizes yearly crime data with trends and year-over-year changes.

  • Crimes by Time Range: Highlights crime occurrences within specific time intervals (e.g., 3:00 AM - 5:59 AM).

  • Heatmap of Crime Distribution: Visualizes crime data by weekdays and months.

  • Crimes by Country: Categorizes crimes based on the location of occurrence.

  • Resolved vs. Unresolved Crimes: Shows resolution rates with clear distinctions.

  • Monthly Crime Trends: Includes percentage variance for month-over-month comparison.

  • Dangerous Times of Day: Identifies high-risk time periods for crimes.

    crimes bi

Project 2: HR Analytics Dashboard

This dashboard provides insights into employee data, focusing on attrition, demographics, and departmental analysis.


  • Total Employees: Shows the total workforce size.

  • Attrition Analysis: Calculates total attrition and percentage.

  • Average Tenure: Displays average years employees spend in the company.

  • Gender Filter: Allows filtering data by male or female employees.

  • Department Employee Count: Breaks down workforce size by department.

  • Attrition Trends: Visualizes attrition over time using area charts.

  • Salary Hike vs. Attrition: Explores relationships between salary hikes, travel, and attrition.

  • Job Role and Education: Examines how education and job roles affect attrition rates.

  • Reset Button: Resets all filters for default views.


Project 3: Book Analysis Dashboard

This dashboard analyzes top 100 bestselling books on Amazon, exploring patterns in ratings, genres, and reviews.


  • Book Ranking Trends: Examines ranking distributions over time.
  • Price vs. Rating Correlation: Identifies relationships between book prices and their ratings.
  • Author Performance: Highlights top-performing authors and their preferred genres.
  • Genre Popularity: Tracks genre trends over the years.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyzes sentiments in book reviews.
  • Reviewer Rating Comparison: Compares reviewer ratings to overall book ratings.
  • Verified vs. Non-Verified Reviews: Explores differences in trustworthiness and sentiment.
  • Temporal Review Analysis: Tracks review activity over time.
  • Review Length vs. Rating: Investigates if review length correlates with rating positivity.
