
This project is a continuation of the Moriarty project. But this osint website, has more feautres than Moriarty has

MIT LicenseMIT


This project is a continuation of the Moriarty project. But this osint website, has more feautres than Moriarty has.


Servers Are Offline


If you're encountring with errors, let me know that from issues section of this repository.

You will recieve the updates and changes from here.

  • no updates yet

Things That You Have To Pay Attention

  • 1-In phone number investigation, don't forget to add your country code before typing the number. Example: 053xxx is not accepted. It has to be +9053xxx
  • 2-In phone number investigation, you have to type your microsoft mail account information correctly. Otherwise, you won't get the right owner information.(you can use a fake microsoft mail it doesn't matter. Just be sure that your mail account is not used by too many people)
  • 3-In ip tracker, don't forget to add the https:// statement before the rediraction link section url. Example:www.facebook.com is not accepted. It has to be https://www.facebook.com
  • 4-In ip tracker, if you recieve a page like "are you lost my dear?" just refresh the page which you made the POST request, and the link which includes rediraction will work properly. This can be happening when you use the system first time.
  • 5-In ip tracker, don't forget that all the links that you're generating, are disposable. They won't work the second time. But once someone opens it, you will be able to use the link again.

Current Features:

  • Phone Number Investigation
  • Ip Address Tracker By Sending A Link
  • Ip Address Investigation By Entering An IP Address

Features In Development

  • Advanced Email Investigation
  • Advanced Nickname Investigation
  • Advanced People Investigation