Mini Vehicle Tracking Dashboard

Welcome to the Mini Vehicle Tracking Dashboard repository! This project aims to create a simple web-based dashboard that provides real-time information about multiple vehicles. You can use the following instructions to run the project on your machine.

Getting Started

To run the repository locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using Git:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd vehicle-tracking-dashboard
  3. Install the project dependencies using npm:

    npm install
  4. Start the project:

    npm start
  5. Open the below file with browser

  6. In index.html file, line no 117: replace the production url with "ws://localhost:80"

Completed Features


Create a simple web-based dashboard that can display real-time information about multiple vehicles. You can mock the data or use any public API for demonstration purposes.

✔️ Front-end

  • Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design the user interface.
  • Show a map with vehicle markers.
  • Display a list of vehicles and their current status (moving, idle, etc.).

✔️ Back-end (Node.js)

  • Create mock APIs that the frontend can call to update vehicle positions and statuses.

✔️ Real-time Updates

  • Use Websockets or any real-time technology to update vehicle markers and statuses on the map.

✔️ Filters

  • Add filters to only show vehicles that meet certain conditions (e.g., moving, idle). Both table and vehicles on the map are filterable.

✔️ Bonus

  • Include a simple graph or chart to show metrics like distance covered by each vehicle over time.

✔️ Extra

  • Vehicles goes out of screen, so by clicking on the table row, a vehicle's location could be centered on the screen.