📺 Channels and videos objects challenge


  • Make sure you fork and clone this repo to your development folder
  • Make sure node and npm are installed
  • Install the requirements by going inside the task directory, and running the command
    $ npm install
  • open functions.js and channels.json files side by side.
  • You will complete the functions in functions.js. It's very important to understand the structure of the JSON file. That's why it's important to see the JSON file while solving the tasks
  • Some tasks take a single channel, and some tasks take the whole channels array. Pay attention to the parameters names.
  • You are not going to send the channels or a single channel, it's being tested if you just do npm test,

Bonus 🎁

  • if you are done, go to bonus.js, and try to finish the tasks

Run the tests after every edit, to check if you pass the tests:

$ npm test

This command will run the testing file and test your code to make sure it has all the required features.

You'll know when you're done when your code passes all the tests.