
X-O game, or what's known as (Tic-Tac-Toe) is a very useful excercise that goes over function, if statements, and arrays.

How to use the starter file?

  • Fork and clone this repo to your development folder in your device.
  • You can go to index.html and start filling the code there.
  • There is a fillButton(_, _) function that takes 2 parameters. first the number of the button, and second the text you want to fill the button with.
    // 1.
    fillButton(1, "X"); // is going to fill the first button (top left corner) with the string "X"
    // 2.
    fillButton(9, "O"); // is going to fill the last button (bottom right corner) with the string "O"
  • Read the starter code carefully, there are some functions you need to fill.
  • (Recommended) Use Live Server and put the browser and the code side by side, so you see the changes immediately.
  • (Recommended) Open google chrome inspect window by right clicking on the window, then inspect -> Console. so you see all your logs. There are some default logs in the code, it will help you understand what's going on.

Basic Requirements 🍋

  1. Alternate players: If you first click on a button, it should show "X", then next tap on any other button should show "O"
  2. Prevent clicking on clicked button: After clicking a button, you shouldn't be able to change it by clicking on it again.
  3. Winning: Consider the winning situations, if X wins, show an alert with a message "X wins". Use the pre-made function winningAlert and pass it the winner to present an alert with the winner string.

    💡Tip The if statement will be very long if you try to consider all winning conditions. Break down every winning condition in a single boolean constant. For example

    const row1 = condition
    const row2 = condition
    const row3 = condition
    // ...
    if(row1 ...)

(Bonus) Extra Requirements 🤼‍

  1. Reset Game: After confirming the alert, you should reset the game and play again. (You should not refres the page, or use a code that refreshes the page)
  2. Draw: Consider the draw case, if no one wins, and present an alert that shows "Draw"

(Extra Bonus) Styling 🎨

  1. Animate the appearance of "X" and "O"
  2. "X" should be shown in green, "O" should be shown in red.