React Axios Task

Task 1 React Router

  • First install react router npm i react-router-dom
  • Import BrowserRouter and wrap it around <App/> in index.js
  • Go to App.js and add your Routes and Route for each page
    • Home -> path='/'
    • PetList -> path='/pets'
    • PetDeital -> path='/pets/:petId'
  • Go to Navbar.js and edit each <a> tag to be <NavLink> dont forget to add the to='pathName' and remove href
  • Go to PetItem.js and wrap a <Link> to the button so when you click on it, it taks you to the petDetail page.
    • Dont forget to pass the id of the pet
    • Hint: <Link to="/pets/${}">
  • Go to PetDetail.js and get the petId from the url using useParams
    • Hint: const {petId} = useParams()
    • Then try to use the find method on petsData to get the correct pet from the list
    • If there is no pet with the same petId return <h1>There is no pet with the id: ${petId}</h1>

Task 2 React Axios

Seting up Axios

  • install axios using npm i axios
  • Create a folder called api in the src directory
  • inside this folder create a file called index.js
  • inside index.js import axios
  • use the bellow table to figure out whats the baseURL
  • Then create an instance using this axios.create({baseURL: baseURL}). refer to the docs for axios
  • export as default your instance

Creating our first api

  • create another file in api called pets.js

  • inside pets.js import the instance you just created

  • create a function for each enpoint

    • one for getting all the pets
    • one for getting one pet by ID
    • one for adding a new pet
    • one for updating a pet by ID
    • one for deleting a pet by ID
  • In PetList.js call the api using useEffect and remove the petsData Its no longer needed pur data is now coming from the backend.

  • In PetDetail.js call the get by id function to get the pet and remove the petsData

  • In PetDetail.js make the update button work

  • In PetDetail.js make the delete button work


Title Method Endpoint Data required
Get all pets GET no data requierd
Add a new POST${} name, type, image,adopted as 1 or 0
Update pet by ID PUT${} name, type, image,adopted as 1 or 0
Delete pet by ID DELETE${} no data requierd