
Create a home page for your website.


  1. Choose a theme for your shop. Here are some examples: restaurant, bakery, pharmacy, bookstore, etc.

  2. Create your React app:

    $ npx create-react-app <app-name>
  3. Go to Github and create a new repository for your shop.

  4. Initialize your repository locally, then push it to your new repository.

Home Page

  1. In App.js, remove the logo import at the top and delete all the JSX inside the return.
  2. Give your website a title, a description and add an image.
  3. Change the images' dimensions if needed.
  4. Center your title and description.
  5. You don't have to stick to our design. Be creative!

Website Name and Icon

At the moment, your website's tab looks like this:

Browser tab

  1. Change the title to a name of your choice, your shop's name for example.
  2. Change the image to your shop's logo or any image of your choice.


  1. Add, commit and push your changes.

Here's an example of what your website would look like.

Cookieshop example