E-Bank v1.0


  • Register new clinet and auto generate cards (Uzcard, Humo, Visa)
  • Ability to perform transactions between cards
  • Record and view transaction history
  • Ability to delete, update, create users
  • Find user with any type (Card Number, Full name, Type, Balance, Status, Given time and many more)
  • All data saved secured postgresql database


Install E-Bank project with cmd

  git clone https://github.com/Donik11/Bank_Admin_Panel_with_thymeleaf.git

  cd Bank_Admin_Panel_with_thymeleaf

  java -jar e-bank.jar

API Reference

Login with OAuth v2.0

  GET localhost:8080

Get Client List

  GET /list

Get transactions history

  GET /history

Make order transfer

  GET /transfer

Register new Client

  GET /addEmployeeForm

Show OAuth v2.0 objects after Login

  GET /auth

Update Client info

  GET /showUpdateForm
Parameter Type Description
employeeId int Required. Id of item to fetch


  GET /logout



Login with OAuth v2.0 List of Clients (index page) Add new Client History Make order transactions


For support, email botirxonn@gmail.com


  • Additional browser support

  • Add more integrations