
Used by openliberty.io to publish Open Liberty certifications.


This repository will be used to house the Jakarta EE TCK Results for the Certification Requests. The TCK Results need to be in a publicly accessible website via a defined URL. These TCK Results do not need to be accessible from the main openliberty.io site.

File Format

The TCK Results will be asciidoc (TCKResults.adoc) files. This format will allow for easy rendering onto the openliberty.io site. Shortly after PRs are merged into this repo, the results will be accessible via https://openliberty.io/certifications/...

Directory Structure

The following directory structure will be used to house these TCK Results:

https://openliberty.io/certifications/jakartaee/<specification>/<specification version>/TCKResults For example,


TCKResults Content

Reference the sample TCKResults file for an example of the content.

Instructions for making changes to this repo

Authors: Creating & Updating TCK Results

  1. Clone the repo and create your feature branch off of the default prod branch. From the prod branch, run: git branch -b branch_name, where branch_name is a name you give your new branch.

    Do all your editing in this branch.

  2. Create your TCK result using Asciidoc markup (use an editor such as VSCode with the Asciidoc plugin):

  3. If you are not employed by IBM, in at least one of your commits, sign off the commit using the Developer Certificate process.

  4. When you have finished, check that the content renders correctly. If you have a preview function in your editor, use that (eg the Asciidoc plugin in VSCode). Browser plugins exist as well.

  5. Push the file to GitHub, then create a pull request (PR) into the draft branch.

  6. Currently, Travis is no longer building our non-prod sites. All the builds and deployments of non-prod sites have been moved to IBM Cloud and now build automatically whenever the a PR is merged into their respective branch. These builds are private and, therefore, their detailed build/deploy progress can't be tracked. However, if you have access to the Slack channel, you can at least track when the builds start and finish.
    Request a build of the draft openliberty.io site:

    1. Sign in to Travis CI with your GitHub account.

    2. Click More Options > Trigger Build. Type draft in the Branch field, then click Trigger custom build.

      The draft site build starts running.

  7. When the build is finished, check that the TCK result page renders correctly on either the certifications-draft site or the full draft site.

    In addition to the existing full draft site we now have a certifications-draft site, which contains only the certifications content, allowing it to build and deploy much quicker. However, since this site contains only the certifications content, any links to other parts of openliberty.io will not resolve. In general, use the certifications-draft site to review content because it updates much quicker than the full site. However, if you need to review content that links to pages on openliberty.io that are not under /certifications/, use the full draft site.

    If you see any problems , such as formatting issues or typos, resolve them first in your branch. Then, create another PR into draft branch, link the PR to the issue again, and get the PR merged. Wait for IBM Cloud to rebuild certifications-draft site or draft site and verify the change.

  8. When you're happy with the change, create a PR from your branch (not from the draft branch) to the staging branch.

    Link the PR to the issue.

    In the PR, provide a link to your page on the certifications-draft site or draft site. Ideally, also paste a screenshot of the entire Certification/TCK Result page as this will allow reviewers to see the rendered content even while the sites are innaccessible (e.g. during redeploys).

    Add @mbroz2 or another admin to get their final approval for both content and format.

    As before, make any changes in your feature branch, create a PR draft branch, get it merged, and once the site rebuilds, check that everything is correct on the certifications-draft site or draft site.

    This automatically updates the PR to staging.

Admins: Editing and Publishing TCK Results

These steps are completed by the admins of this repo. They might ask questions or make suggestions regarding the content. They might also make edits directly to the file before publishing.

  1. Review the page on the certifications-draft site or draft site as linked from the PR.

    Ask the author to make changes by adding review comments to the PR.

    For edits such as punctuation, formatting, highlighting, adding SEO details, or larger changes discussed with the author, the editor can make the edits directly in the author's branch and push the changes to draft branch, which automatically rebuilds the certifications-draft site and draft site where you can verify the changes.

    To check out the author's branch locally: git fetch origin then git checkout -b branch_name origin/branch_name, which creates a new local branch that's linked to their remote branch. When you've made changes, push them back to origin/branch_name.

  2. Approve the PR and merge it into staging branch.

  3. IBM Cloud will automatically rebuild the certifications-staging site and staging site. If you have access, you can track the progress in the Slack channel.
    Request a build of the staging openliberty.io site from Travis CI (type staging in the Branch field of the dialog).

  4. When the build has finished, check to make sure the page render correctly on the certifications-staging site or staging site. The latter includes the entire site, while the former just has the /certifications/ content. If you need to verify links to other parts of the site (outside of the /certifications/ content) then you'll need to wait for the full staging site to build.

    This is the final check before the page is published live on the production site.

    If there are any problems found on the staging site, you must resolve them quickly or revert the PR.

    Make any changes in the author's branch, and push to both draft and staging.

  5. To publish the content, create a PR from staging branch to prod branch and add @mbroz2 (or other admin) as approver.

  6. When the PR is approved, merge it into prod.

  7. Rebuild the production site from the IBM Cloud console.

    When the build has finished, check that the page looks as expected on openliberty.io/.

  8. When the page is published, and any changes you made are in all three branches (draft, staging, and prod), delete the author's branch.