Future site development is moving to https://github.com/AztecGameLab/AztecGameLaboratory/
- Development Tools
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Gitkraken
- Install Redux Dev Tools
- Install node.js
- Install yarn
Relevant Plugins for Visual Studio Code
- Auto Close Tag
- Auto Rename Tag
- Color Highlight
- HTML Snippets
- Path Intellisense
- Prettier - Code Formatter
- vscode-icons
- Code Spell Checker
- Reactjs code snippets
- Pull dev
- Create branch dev-"task-feature"
- Commit changes locally
- Write unit tests
- Push and merge into dev on completion
cd serverus
yarn dev
- Merge dev into master (new release)
- Run unit test suite
cd serverus
yarn test -a
firebase login
yarn build
rm -rf build/static/js/*.js.map
firebase deploy