
Adds Item Frame Break (Removal cause) flags to WorldGuard 7

Primary LanguageJava


Worldguard plugin for protecting against Item Frame breaking. Requires Worldguard 7 and a 1.16+ server. Other configurations are untested, other plugins may interfere with this one.

This plugin was specifically made because if the following behavior in spigot https://hub.spigotmc.org/jira/browse/SPIGOT-3999 which means Worldguard does not catch Physics events causes by Boats, as well as other Removal Causes ( https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/event/hanging/HangingBreakEvent.RemoveCause.html )

This plugin serves to cover these specific cases by adding flags for each but cannot and will not implement any more exhaustive checks on the source of the event.


  • default-item-frame-destroy for unknown causes
  • explosion-item-frame-destroy for explosion-caused item frame destruction
  • obstruction-item-frame-destroy for when block placement would cause the item frame to break
  • physics-item-frame-destroy for when physics or bounding boxes (like those of a Boat) cause the item frame to break.