
Java agent that instruments lambda creation to include stack frame pointing to lambda definition class, method and line.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Lambda Tracing Java Agent

Java agent that records stack frames for lambda expressions, that allows to trace lambda class to a source code line. As all instrumentation happens in lambda class initialisation - this javaagent has no performance overhead after warmup (with all classes initialised), except ~80 bytes per lambda memory usage.

Package Includes Cofiguration

In order for lambda to be traceable owner class package needs to be included into javaagent configuration. This can be done via javaagent arguments or by creating lambdaagent.properties file within application classpath.

In order to configure package includes via javaagnet arguments simply pass comma separate package names to -javaagent option, e.g.


Alternatively create lambdaagent.properties in application classpath and pass package.includes, e.g.


Including custom functional interfaces

By default configuration javaagent traces only labmdas that are subtype of:

  • java.lang.Runnable
  • java.util.concurrent.Callable
  • java.util.function.Function
  • java.util.function.Supplier
  • java.util.function.Predicate
  • java.util.function.Consumer
  • java.util.function.BooleanSupplier
  • java.util.function.BiConsumer
  • java.util.function.BiFunction
  • java.util.function.BiPredicate
  • java.util.function.LongConsumer
  • java.util.function.IntFunction
  • io.reactivex.functions.Action
  • io.reactivex.functions.BiConsumer
  • io.reactivex.functions.BiFunction
  • io.reactivex.functions.BiPredicate
  • io.reactivex.functions.BooleanSupplier
  • io.reactivex.functions.Cancellable
  • io.reactivex.functions.Consumer
  • io.reactivex.functions.Function, io.reactivex.functions.Function3, io.reactivex.functions.Function4, io.reactivex.functions.Function5, io.reactivex.functions.Function6, io.reactivex.functions.Function7, io.reactivex.functions.Function8, io.reactivex.functions.Function9,
  • io.reactivex.functions.IntFunction
  • io.reactivex.functions.LongConsumer
  • io.reactivex.functions.Predicate

In case other functional interfaces are required to be traced, please add comma separated class names in lambda.includes property of lambdaagent.properties file, e.g.


Verbose Logging

Lambda includes can configured to be sent to system out using lambdaagent.debug system property, e.g.:


will produce included or excluded message upon lambda class initialisation:

~~~ including/skipping lambda com.mypackage.MyClass@java.util.Predicate" + lambdaType + " => ..$$Lambda$1");
~~~ skipping lambda com.excluded.ExcludedClass@java.util.Predicate" + lambdaType + " => ..$$Lambda$2");

Usage example

In order to collect lambda traces, attach javaagent (from releases section) to java application:


After javaagent is attached lambda classes can be traced by invoking LambdaTracer, e.g. via reflections:

   var clazz = Class.forName("com.eisgroup.javaagent.LambdaTracer");
   var instance = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("instance").invoke(null);
   var method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("trace", Class.class);
   return method.invoke(instance, lambdaClazz);

Example above will return optional of StackFrame element pointing to lambda location in the source code or optional empty if lambda is not included for tracing.