An android app that uses Azure AD and the ADAL library for authenticating the user and calling a web API using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
- akhileshnirapureInternational Computing Center
- akurus
- anand-rengasamy
- anujc
- arvindsutharMicrosoft
- azmirza@microsoft
- bakerCaleb
- bmitchell287Microsoft
- brandweMicrosoft
- cljungMicrosoft
- debfurt
- jaganth
- jaraya-MSFT
- jasoncoolmaxMicrosoft
- javiercnMicrosoft
- jhcloos
- kaisong1990@microsoft
- kalyankrishna1
- kpanwar
- matt-gibbs@snyk
- Nsrose
- omercsSnapchat
- pavankompelli
- pkanher617
- RideMoMicrosoft
- SammakMicrosoft
- shoatmanMicrosoft Corporation
- skwanMicrosoft Corporation
- sri-Microsoft
- swkrishMicrosoft Corporation
- tafphil@Tueftlerei
- toolbocMicrosoft
- valnav@Microsoft
- vibronet
- wc2222
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