Sample showing how a Windows desktop .NET (WPF) application can get an access token using MSAL.NET and call the Microsoft Graph API or other APIs protected by the Microsoft identity platform (Azure Active Directory v2)
- abtqianebay
- AlanMcBee@microsoft
- ASHCO-2019
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- chrisgateWorldWide Dev
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- DouglasFeaster
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- fagnercarvalhoFreelancer
- feliperomero3Epicor Software
- gronderc
- Hipster74Stockholm, Sweden
- ian1127
- jbreiding@Crowdstrike
- kenacesMRX Computers, Inc
- laurentkempe@TechHeadBrothers @Innoveo
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- mark5500
- mfowSusquehanna International Group
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- timoschwarte
- tliu5
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- WonkySoft