
This repo provides the source code and scenario artefacts for the AKS Voting App sample used in the AKS documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks.

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This repo provides the source code and scenario artefacts for the AKS Voting App sample used in the AKS documentation.

AKS Voting App sample

This repo provides the source code and scenario artefacts for the AKS Voting App sample used in the AKS documentation.

Container images

The AKS Voting App components are built from the source located in the src folder. The following options will build the components as the following containers in your local docker registry:

  • voting-app:1.0
  • voting-app:2.0
  • voting-analytics:1.0
  • voting-analytics:1.1
  • voting-analytics:2.0
  • voting-storage:2.0

Build all containers


Docker compose

docker compose -f docker-compose-1.0.yaml build
docker compose -f docker-compose-1.1.yaml build
docker compose -f docker-compose-2.0.yaml build


You can test the different versions of the component architecture during development using docker compose.

Ensure that you create the following env file. Replace only the password values.

# mysql.env
# Spin up version 1.0 of architecture for local testing in docker compose
docker compose -f docker-compose-1.0.yaml up

# Spin up version 1.1 of architecture for local testing in docker compose
docker compose -f docker-compose-1.1.yaml build

# Spin up version 2.0 of architecture for local testing in docker compose
docker compose -f docker-compose-2.0.yaml build

You will be able to reach the main application at http://localhost:8080.


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Code of conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.

This replaces all previous versions of the Azure Voting App sample to provide a single configurable sample that supports multiple scenarios: