
Azure Digital Twins (ADT) DTDL model management tools. Simplifies model uploading and updating through batch uploads and DAG validation. Azure Edge (IoT) extensions, samples, and quickstarts.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Model Management CLI

This project is aimed to provide a CLI for managing the lifecycle of DTDL models within Azure Digital Twins.


This project framework provides the following features:

  • Upload, Delete, and Decommission ADT Models against an existing ADT Instance
  • Experimental: Automatic detects and increments version numbers

Getting Started


  1. Download and install Node.js and npm
    1. Node min version 14.16.1
    2. NPM min version 7.8.0


(Add steps to get up and running quickly)

  1. git clone git@github.com:Azure-Samples/azure-edge-extensions-adt-modelmgmt.git
  2. cd azure-edge-extensions-adt-modelmgmt
  3. Install and build the utility
npm install
npm run build
npm link
  1. Then, all interactions with the model management cli are of the form -
model-cli [command] [options]


For example, when using the upload command with arguments, it might look something like -

model-cli upload -n "https://my-instance.digitaltwins.azure.net" -p ./Sample-Models

This works because npm link creates a symlink of the model directory and makes it available in your global package repository. So now, you can use the package from the command line, and your changes will also be reflected after you transpile your code without having to npm install over and over again.

Or, as shown in this section, you can use the npm start -- syntax to use the CLI without having to use npm link.

Help Usage

To display all supported commands -

model-cli --help

To display arguments pertaining to a particular command -

model-cli [command] --help

Available Commands

model-cli <command>

  model-cli decommission  (Decommission models from an ADT instance by
                                 model version number
  model-cli delete        Deletes models from an ADT instance
  model-cli upload        Uploads a batch of ADT models in JSON format to
                                 a given Instance

      --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]

upload options -

      --version        Show version number                             [boolean]
  -n, --adt-host-name  The ADT instance URL to upload the models to
                                                             [string] [required]
  -p, --model-path     The path to the directory containing the ADT Models
                                                             [string] [required]
  -h, --help           Show help                                       [boolean]

decommission options -

      --version        Show version number                             [boolean]
  -n, --adt-host-name  The ADT instance URL to decommission models from
                                                             [string] [required]
  -V, --model-version  The version number to decommission    [string] [required]
  -d, --dry-run        Dry run for models to be decommissioned
  -h, --help           Show help                                       [boolean]

delete options -

      --version        Show version number                             [boolean]
  -n, --adt-host-name  The ADT instance URL to delete models from
                                                             [string] [required]
  -m, --model-ids      An array of model ids for deletion                [array]
  -a, --all-models     Delete all models in the ADT instance           [boolean]
  -V, --model-version  The version of models to delete                  [string]
  -d, --dry-run        Dry run for models to be deleted                [boolean]
  -h, --help           Show help                                       [boolean]

Exit Codes

Exit Code Description
0 Success
Non-zero Failure

Environment Variable Configuration

Environment Variable Description


NOTE: All terminal commands assume that ./model/ is the current working directory, unless stated otherwise.


To install package dependencies for the project, the following command can be used:

npm clean-install


To build the project, the following command can be used:

npm run build


To lint the project, the following command can be used:

npm run lint

Fixing Lint Errors

If there are any lint errors, the build will fail and report the errors it has in the console. In order to fix lint errors automatically the following command can be used:

npm run lint-fix


Launch the Javascript Debug Terminal. Change into the model directory:

cd ./model

Run npm start -- followed by the model cli command to debug. For example, to debug upload:

npm start -- upload -n https://my-adt-instance-url -p ./my-models


Unit tests

To run the unit tests for the project, the following command can be used:

npm run test