
This library provides extensions methods of azure-iot-sdk. The object model supplies a common API to view and edit deployment manifests regardless of whether they originate from an At-Scale or single device deployment.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This library provides extensions methods of azure-iot-sdk to support the following scenarios:

  1. Instantiate a new deployment manifest with default EdgeAgent and EdgeHub values (e.g. create options, restart policy, et. al.).
  2. Clone an At-Scale deployment.
  3. Extract a deployment manifest from $EdgeAgent and $EdgeHub module twin desired properties.
  4. Extract IoT Edge module status (e.g. last updated time, exit code) from $EdgeAgent and $EdgeHub module twin reported properties.

The object model supplies a common API to view and edit deployment manifests regardless of whether they originate from an At-Scale or single device deployment.


The library is available via nuget.org


How To Use

The following are samples of how to use the extension methods.

Create a new deployment manifest

You can generate desired properties for edgeAgent with default values using the following snippet:

EdgeAgentDesiredProperties edgeAgentDesiredProperties = new EdgeAgentDesiredProperties();

If you want to change some of the default values, add registry credentials or custom modules properties, you can configure as the following:

EdgeAgentDesiredProperties edgeAgentDesiredProperties = new EdgeAgentDesiredProperties()
    SystemModuleVersion = "1.3",
    RegistryCredentials = new List<RegistryCredential>()
       new RegistryCredential("AcrAdmin", "address", "userName", "password"),
    EdgeModuleSpecifications = new List<EdgeModuleSpecification>()
       new EdgeModuleSpecification("custom-module-name", "image-uri"),
    EdgeSystemModuleSpecifications = new List<EdgeModuleSpecification>()
       new EdgeModuleSpecification("edgeAgent", "mcr.microsoft.com/azureiotedge-agent:1.4"),
       new EdgeModuleSpecification("edgeHub", "mcr.microsoft.com/azureiotedge-hub:1.4", createOptions: "{\"HostConfig\":{\"PortBindings\":{\"443/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"443\"}],\"5671/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"5671\"}],\"8883/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"8883\"}]}}}"),

You can generate desired properties for edgeHub with default values using the following snippet:

EdgeHubDesiredProperties edgeHubConfig = new EdgeHubDesiredProperties();

If you want to change some of the default values, for example the default value of StoreAndForwardTimeToLiveSecs is 7200, you can change it to 3600 by configure it as the following:

EdgeHubDesiredProperties edgeHubConfig = new EdgeHubDesiredProperties()
    StoreAndForwardTimeToLiveSecs = 3600,

Generate desired properties for custom module:

ModuleSpecificationDesiredProperties moduleSpecificationDesiredProperties = new ModuleSpecificationDesiredProperties()
    Name = "custom-module",
    DesiredProperty = new
        dummy_a = new
            dummy_b = "dummy"

Finally, setup all desired properties to ConfigurationContent

ConfigurationContent configurationContent = new ConfigurationContent()

Then the configurationContent can be appied to IoTEdge device

// apply the configurationContent through SDK.
await registryManager.ApplyConfigurationContentOnDeviceAsync({IoTEdgeId}, configurationContent).ConfigureAwait(false);

Clone an At-Scale Deployment

At Scale deployments are immutable but must occassionally be cloned with updates. Once the source deployment has been retrieved from the IoT Hub API, modulesContent can be edited:

RegistryManager registryManager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString("<IoTHub ConnectionString>");

// optional: Add new modulesContent
IDictionary<string, IDictionary<string, object>> newModulesContent = await registryManager.GetModulesContent("<CurrentDeploymentId>");

// Clone deployment-at-scale
await registryManager.CloneDeploymentAtScale("<CurrentDeploymentId>", "<NewDeploymentId>", newModulesContent);

Extract a deployment manifest from $EdgeAgent and $EdgeHub module twins

A deployment manifest must sometimes be extracted from the desired properties of the device's $EdgeAgent and $EdgeHub module twins. The library supports this scenario:

RegistryManager registryManager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString("<IoTHub ConnectionString>");

// Get deployment manifest for edge deviceId
string manifest = await registryManager.GetDeploymentManifest("<IoTEdgeId>");

Extract IoT Edge Module Status

The reported properties from $EdgeAgent and $EdgeHub module twins can be used to examine the state of a deployment on a device.

// get $EdgeHub and $EdgeAgent module twin through SDK.
Twin edgeAgentTwin = await registryManager.GetTwinAsync(IoTEdgeId, "$edgeAgent").ConfigureAwait(false);
Twin edgeHubTwin = await registryManager.GetTwinAsync(IoTEdgeId, "$edgeHub").ConfigureAwait(false);

EdgeAgentReportedProperties edgeAgentReportedProperties = edgeAgentTwin.GetEdgeAgentReportedProperties();
EdgeHubReportedProperties edgeHubReportedProperties = edgeHubTwin.GetEdgeHubReportedProperties();


Microsoft.Azure.Devices (>= 1.37.1)

StyleCop.Analyzers (>=1.1.118)

Azure IoT Edge: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3



Properties of the IoT Edge agent and IoT Edge hub module twins