
The polls app from the official Django tutorial, that demonstrates how to build data-driven Python apps in Azure App Service.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

services platforms author

Django and PostgreSQL sample for Azure App Service

This samples is a simple Django app that connects to a PostgreSQL database. The sample is used in the tutorial https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/postgresql/flexible-server/tutorial-django-app-service-postgres](Deploy Django app with App Service and Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server).

When deployed to Azure App Service, the database connection information is specified via environment variables DBHOST, DBPASS, DBUSER, and DBNAME. This app always uses the default PostgreSQL port. See the tutorials for more information.

Change log

  • 27 Oct 2020: Possible breaking change: removed use of the DJANGO_ENV environment variable to switch between local and production settings. The code instead triggers the selection using the WEBSITE_HOSTNAME environment variable, which is defined when the code is running inside the the Azure App Service container. See manage.py and azuresite/wsgi.py.

  • 12 Oct 2020: BREAKING CHANGE: The DBHOST environment variable is expected to contain only the server name, not the full URL, which is constructed at run time (see azuresite/production.py). Similarly, DBUSER is expected to contain only the user name, not username@servername as before, because using the simpler DBHOST the code can also construct the correct login form at run time (again in azuresite/production.py), avoiding failures that arise when DBUSER lacks the @servername portion.


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