services | platforms | author |
Azure Redis Cache |
.Net |
msonecode |
Export allows you to export the data stored in Azure Redis Cache to Redis compatible RDB file(s). You can use this feature to move data from one Azure Redis Cache instance to another or to another Redis server. During the exporting process, a temporary file is created on the VM that hosts the Azure Redis Cache server instance, and the file is uploaded to the designated storage account. When the exporting operation ends in either a status of success or failure, the temporary file is deleted. Import/Export enables you to migrate between different Azure Redis Cache instances or to populate the cache with data before being used.
There are multiple methods to export redis cache (my previous post about this topic), including Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI and REST API methods. Since the Azure Portal approach is the simplest one, this post I will introduce a programming method to export Redis Cache by stimulating Azure Portal approach.
1. Azure Account
You need an Azure account. You can open a free Azure account or Activate Visual Studio subscriber benefits.
2. Visual Studio 2015
The tutorial assumes you have worked with ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio. If you need an introduction, see Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC 5.
4. Azure SDK
The tutorial is written for Visual Studio 2015 with the Azure SDK for .NET 2.9 or later.
Download the latest Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2015. The SDK installs Visual Studio 2015 if you don't already have it.
- Open developer console on your browser (F12)
- Open the browser to Azure Portal and run the Redis exporting operation as below. To export the current contents of the cache to storage, browse to your cache in the Azure portal and click Export data from the Settings blade of your cache instance.
- Select one of the invoke calls and view the headers, copy the text after "Bearer"
- Collect the related information from Redis Cache overview blade.
- subscriptionId
- resourceGroup
- cacheName
- Collect related information from Storage blade.
- storageAccountConnectionString = Settings -> Access keys -> Connection strings
Fill in all the collected infos with source code you downloaded from this page.
const string exportString = "{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/{2}/export?api-version=2015-08-01";
Below are some code snippets to form SAS token for Storage Container.
public StorageWrapper(string conn) { this._storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(conn); } public CloudBlobContainer GetContainer(string name) { return this._storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference(name); } public string GetContainerSas(string name, bool read = false, bool write = false, bool list = false, bool delete = false) { var container = GetContainer(name); container.CreateIfNotExists(); return container.Uri + container.GetSharedAccessSignature(GetPolicy(read, write, list, delete)); } private SharedAccessBlobPolicy GetPolicy(bool read, bool write, bool list, bool delete) { SharedAccessBlobPolicy policy = new SharedAccessBlobPolicy(); policy.Permissions = (read ? SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read : 0) | (write ? SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Write : 0) | (list ? SharedAccessBlobPermissions.List : 0) | (delete ? SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Delete : 0); policy.SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(75); // Must be at least 65 minutes return policy; }
Below are some useful links, you will need them before your real action.
Azure Portal: Export Redis to a Blob Container.
PowerShell: Export Redis to a Blob Container.
Azure CLI: Export Redis to a Blob Container.
REST API: Export Redis to a Blob Container.
Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer