Cannot create Kubernetes cluster in a differnet vnet/subnet
VipinPS opened this issue · 9 comments
Unable to create azure container services (Kubernetes) on a specific VNET using flags '--master-vnet-subnet-id' & ' --agent-vnet-subnet-id' , Look like it's creating it's on VNET other than using the specified ones.
Trying to spinup new cluster through Azure-CLI uisng following command :
$ az acs create --orchestrator-type kubernetes --resource-group GROUP1--name NAME1 --master-vnet-subnet-id "/subscriptions/<id>/resourceGroups/<resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<vnet name>/subnets/<subnet name>" --generate-ssh-keys
You are missing some of the required parameters for custom vnet. You also need to specify the agent vnet subnet, --agent-vnet-subnet-id, and what address to put the first master ip at, --master-first-consecutive-static-ip.
We should be validating this to make sure you are specifying all the values you need to. I'll look more into that side of this
Have tried it , But no luck. Will Azure VNET plugin helps?
That could help but it wouldn't fix this. So it is still provisioning a new vnet and putting the machines in it? What region are you trying to deploy into? Vnet is only supported in our preview regions.
Yes, It's provisioning new vnet , not using the original vnet/subnet given.
I forget to mention it , ACS is hosted in westcentralus which is in one of the supported regions.
Could you update supported regions?
I have the same problem as eynet, anyone has resolved?
I think I have the same problem. I am using terraform with fork . I have added vnet_subnet_id on master_profile and agent_profile, and now added master_profile.first_consecutive_static_ip. I get this error back from the go sdk call:
"message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.",
"message":"{\r\n "error": {\r\n "code": "InvalidTemplate",\r\n "message": "Unable to process template language expressions for resource '/subscriptions/4a9b7bf9-795f-47ed-8a92-82356d4c5210/resourceGroups/mr-play-A_acsk8s_westus2/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/15216k8s9001' at line '1' and column '24520'. 'The template variable 'subnet' is not found. Please see for usage details.'"\r\n }\r\n}"}
Doesn't work for me , I run:
az acs create --orchestrator-type kubernetes
-g rn-jupyterhub-dev-rg-ne
--master-vnet-subnet-id "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/dev-vnet-rg-ne/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/dev-vnet/subnets/k8s-master-dev-subnet"
--agent-vnet-subnet-id "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/dev-vnet-rg-ne/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/dev-vnet/subnets/k8s-agent-dev-subnet"
--master-first-consecutive-static-ip "" --name rn-jupyterhub-dev-k8s'
but the vms are deployed to vnet 'k8s-vnet-xxxxxxxx' in the 'k8s-subnet', in North Europe
FYI this is only available in certain regions so if its not working that would be why.
When specifying vnet's I get the following error -
at line '1' and column '24298'. 'The template variable 'subnet' is not found
I looked in the generated ARM template from the ACS process and a variable subnet is referenced which doesn't exist. It looks like it should be feeding the master network CIDR into the CSE extension.
I am working in UKSOUTH which apparently should be supported. This looks like a bug in the way the ARM template is generated by ACS.