- 0
- 8
System.AggregateException, (Docker API responded with status code=BadRequest, response={"message":"network
#125 opened by skryshtafovych - 1
- 1
ACS / Storage Encryption
#96 opened by madsd - 6
- 5
when i create a web app for container with docker container am unable to connect to SSH
#99 opened by nareshjiva - 2
AKS cluster nor getting created
#126 opened by shubhasismathur - 1
- 3
AttachDetach Failing for k8s 1.7.7
#118 opened by smileisak - 1
Command `az acs kubernetes get-credentials` fails with error "The api-version '2017-07-01' is invalid."
#106 opened by sjdweb - 12
Kubernetes - Azure Load Balancer provisioning fails - ip is referenced by multiple ipconfig
#102 opened by foram31k - 1
Azure acs error
#124 opened by ravenzak - 2
[enhancement] Find nearby stations
#123 opened by guysoft - 6
- 1
How do I upgrade a cluster in Azure ACS
#122 opened by nazneen84 - 8
Kubernetes dashboard not showing with kubectl proxy or az acs kubernetes browse
#86 opened by bramvdklinkenberg - 0
- 0
docker stack deploy requires API version 1.25
#120 opened by dazinator - 8
Volume mount with Kubernetes fails
#119 opened by mausquirk - 5
- 0
- 6
ACS/AKS relationship + roadmaps
#80 opened by colemickens - 3
- 1
- 0
Standard NC_6 VM shows 0 GPUs
#116 opened by DaveVoyles - 23
- 1
- 2
Commas in NSG rules break the ability to create services in ACS K8S clusters
#114 opened by samueljmello - 9
- 1
Cluster broken after upgrade to K8s 1.8.9
#112 opened by tomkosse - 0
- 3
- 0
Problem with GPU support on DCOS
#107 opened by lmiroslaw - 5
ACS - Unable to change VM count
#97 opened by ankitpopli1891 - 0
Missing --proxy-client-cert-file, --proxy-client-key-file, --requestheader-client-ca-file in kube-apiserver manifest
#104 opened by semion-a - 0
Q: Hung Windows worker node
#103 opened by mrichman - 4
Connection refused with docker when tunneling into Azure Container Service master VM.
#92 opened by Maxyme - 0
- 0
- 3
ACS with custom VNet: Kubernetes Dashboard and Node Port Service Type is not working as expected
#90 opened by vikaskulwal - 0
Feature Request: Option to skip Public IP for Master nodes of ACS Kubernetes cluster
#91 opened by vikaskulwal - 33
"Updating Kubernetes version and agent node scaling are mutually exclusive operations"
#82 opened by bremnes - 0
ACS Kubernetes, failing creation and uncertainty whether cluster is successfully created
#89 opened by bremnes - 0
- 3
scaling old clusters can break kubernetes master in new rp regions -- fixed in service, script to fix broken clusters in issue
#85 opened by JackQuincy - 4
ACS only accepts calls with the most recent patch version in each minor version
#81 opened by JackQuincy - 5
Swarm Mode & latest docker version
#79 opened by vishal-biyani - 4
Windows agents scaling throwing error: Changing property 'agentPoolProfile.OSType' is not allowed.
#76 opened by doggy8088 - 2
Error when retrieving credentials: No such file or directory: '/home/myname/.ssh/config
#78 opened by rboorgapally - 1