
This solution deploys a complete Azure Virtual Desktop environment (including dependencies)

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Instructions for customizing and deploying Azure Virtual Desktop to your environment, utilizing Azure Blueprints


Azure Blueprints provide a structured approach to standing up new environments, while adhering to environment requirements. Microsoft has created a set of Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Blueprint objects that help automate the creation of an entire environment, ready to run.

Azure Blueprints utilize "artifact files (.JSON)", such as:

  • Role Assignments
  • Policy Assignments
  • Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates
  • Resource Groups

The AVD Blueprints are meant to deploy an entire environment, including Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AAD DS), a management virtual machine (VM), networking, AVD infrastructure, and related resources, in a turn-key fashion. The following is a guide to help accomplish customizing to your environment.

Getting Started with the AVD Blueprint (New, single script configure and deploy)

  • Download Blueprint files locally to a folder on your device.

  • Remove 'Internet zone' security restriction on download file

    • Locate the .zip file downloaded from Github.com
    • Right-click the .zip file, and then click 'Properties'
    • In the bottom section labeled 'Security', if the text is present: 'This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer', click the 'Unblock' check-box, then click 'Apply', and then click 'OK'.
  • Extract the downloaded .zip file to any folder on your device (Example. 'C:\AVDBlueprint')

    • You can double-click the .zip file in Windows File Explorer.
    • Double-click the top-level folder in the zip, which should be named 'AVDBlueprint-main'.
    • You should now see all the files and folders (\Blueprint, \Examples & Samples, etc.)
    • Select all files and folders, then right-click and then click 'Copy'
    • Navigate to the root directory of the 'C:' drive, right-click in an empty area, and then click 'New', and then click 'Folder'.
    • Name this new folder 'AVDBlueprint'.
    • Double-click the new folder 'AVDBlueprint', and then in a blank area to the right, right-click and then click 'Paste'
    • You should now have a folder called 'C:\AVDBlueprint' that contains all of the Blueprint files and folders


If you extract the files to a folder other than 'C:\AVDBlueprint', edit the file '\Examples and Samples\Deploy with Single Script\AVDBPParameters.json' to be equal to the path where the files are extracted to. Example:
"BlueprintPath": "D:\\Downloads\\AVDBlueprint\\Blueprint",

  • Edit the included sample file 'C:\AVDBlueprint\Examples and Samples\Deploy with Single Script\AVDBPParameters.json' to customize to your environment. You can use any type of text editor, including PowerShell ISE, which is built-in.
    There are several required values that are required to be edited to your environment.

    "AzureSubscriptionID": "",
    "AzureTenantID": "",
    "AADDSDomainName": "",
    "BlueprintResourcePrefix": "Please delete this text and enter a 6-8 character random string of text",


    "AzureSubscriptionID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "AzureTenantID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "AADDSDomainName": "avd.contoso.com",
    "BlueprintResourcePrefix": "XYZ12345",


The parameter 'BlueprintResourcePrefix' should be set to a value unique to your deployment. The reason is that later in the deployment, a key vault will get created and named "$BlueprintResourcePrefix + -sharedsvcs-kv". The reason the first characters should be unique to your deployment is to avoid a name collision due to a key vault somewhere else having the same name. Like Storage Accounts, the key vault name has to be unique to each cloud instance. We may at some point add code to randomize the key vault name, but still within the 24 character key vault naming limitation.

The remaining parameter values can be used as they are, or you can customize to suit your environment.  The values most likely to be modified first, are in the second "paragraph" of the file 'AVDBPParameters.json'.  In this section you can change the OS version to be deployed, you can change the AVD Azure VM size, number of VMs to create, and more.  Please note that as this file is in JSON format, some formatting rules must be followed:  

  - String values (text) must be surrounded by quotation marks
  - Integer values (numbers) are not surrounded by quotation marks
  - Boolean values (true/false) are not surrounded by quotation marks, and must be all lower case.
  • Once parameters file editing is complete, save and close the file 'AVDBPParameters.json'.

  • Start your preferred PowerShell tool (PowerShell, PowerShell ISE, Visual Studio Code, etc.) elevated (Run As Administrator)

  • Set the PowerShell 'Execution Policy', temporarily, to "Remote Signed" for scope "current user" by running either of the following commands:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process

  • When ready, open and run, or just run the PowerShell script 'AssignAVDBlueprint.ps1 If you are running on a device that does not have some of the required PowerShell modules, such as AzureAD, Identity, etc., you may be prompted to install those from the PowerShell Gallery. The PowerShell Gallery a community effort, hosting content from Microsoft, as well as the PowerShell community.

More information about required and optional parameters

Azure Virtual Desktop can be customized in a wide variety of ways. The purpose of this Blueprint is to provide a framework for repeatable and consistent AVD deployments. The following table lists some of choices for customization available. If a parameter is listed below as "not required (No), then that value has a default in the Blueprint itself, or has a value defined in the included parameter file.

Parameter Type Value Required
AzureSubscriptionID string The 'Subscription ID' obtained from Azure Portal or other tools for the destination deployment Yes
AzureTenantID string The 'Tenant ID' obtained from Azure Portal or other tools for the destination deployment Yes
AADDSDomainName string the name of the AAD DS domain to be created Yes
PromptForManagementVMOSSku boolean Whether or not to prompt for the Windows Server operating system SKU (release) of the management VM. This list is built at run-time based on what cloud is being deployed to and what location. If left to default, the SKU choice is '2022-datacenter'. No
avdHostPool_vmGalleryImageSKU string '19h2-evd-o365pp'
No (default currently 21H1 with M365)
avdHostPool_vmSize string Azure virtual machine size of your choice No (default is 'Standard_B4ms')
avdHostPool_vmNumberOfInstances integer number of AVD VMs to be created by this blueprint No
avdHostPool_maxSessionLimit integer The maximum number of simultaneous sessions allowed per session host in a host pool No
avdUsers_userCount integer number of test users to be created in AAD DS by this blueprint No
BlueprintResourcePrefix string The prefix that most objects created by this blueprint will be given No
BlueprintGlobalResourceGroupName string the resource group that contains the user-assigned managed identity and is most often not the same as the deployment resource group No
UserAssignedIdentityName string the name of the user-assigned managed identity utilized by this blueprint No
BlueprintName string the name of this blueprint, as it appears in the Azure portal No
BlueprintPath string the local folder where 'Blueprint.json' can be found No
BlueprintParameterFilePath string the name of the parameter file 'AVDBPParameters.json' No



There is now a single PowerShell script that will configure all pre-requisites and then assign the Blueprint. The following information is for reference, or in case of configuring manually, or assigning the Blueprint with a method other than the single assignment script.

  • An Azure tenant. Though you can create a long tenant domain name prefix, you cannot in AAD DS. Therefore it is recommended to have your domain name prefix 15 characters or less.
    If you don't already have a tenant for this deployment, here are some instructions on setting up an Azure tenant.


It is not currently possible to create a managed domain name with a prefix that exceeds 15 characters. More information can be found on this topic, in this article:

  • An Azure subscription with sufficient credits to deploy the environment, and keep it running at the desired levels
    If you do not already have an Azure subscription, or wish to create a new Azure subscription, here is documentation on creating an additional Azure subscription.

  • An Azure Global Administrator account

    • An Azure account with Azure Active Directory Global administrator role assigned.
    • This same Azure account needs the 'Owner' role assigned at the Azure subscription level.
  • An Azure Managed Identity
    The Azure Managed Identity exists within Azure and can securely store and retrieve credentials from Azure Key Vault during the deployment. This AVD Blueprint utilizes type 'User Assigned Managed Identity'. The instructions for creating a managed identity are here: Create a user-assigned managed identity


The managed identity is something that you can use for any number of Blueprint assignments. When you create the managed identity, you will have to specify a resource group. (Ex. 'AVD_Blueprint_Global_RG'). This resource group can persist as long as you are performing Blueprint assignments. That way you don't have to go through the process of creating a managed identity each time...just reuse the existing managed identity.


In the case of deploying to an otherwise empty subscription, the level of assignment for the managed identity will need to be the Azure subscription. The AVD Blueprint, by default, creates objects at the subscription level during the blueprint deployment such as Azure AD DS.

  • Managed identity assigned the Owner role at the subscription level
    The reason is that the managed identity needs full access during the deployment, for example to initiate the creation of an instance of Azure AD DS.

    MORE INFO: Add or change Azure subscription administrators

  • Managed identity assigned the "Global Administrator" role in Azure Active Director
    The managed identity account will be creating objects in Azure Active Directory during the Blueprint assignment, as well as domain join operations during the deployment. Instructions on how to add a role to a user (including user assigned managed identities) can be found here.

  • Azure Blueprint resource provider registered to your subscription through Azure PowerShell with this PowerShell command:

    Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Blueprint

    You should receive this output from the Register-AzResourceProvider command:

    ProviderNamespace   Microsoft.Blueprint
    RegistrationState : Registering
    ResourceTypes     : {blueprints, blueprints/artifacts, blueprints/versions, blueprints/versions/artifacts…}
    Locations         : {}
  • Azure Active Directory provider registered to your subscription (if not already registered):
    Check the current provider registration status in your subscription:

    Get-AzResourceProvider -ListAvailable | Select-Object ProviderNamespace, RegistrationState

    If necessary, register the Azure AD resource provider:

    Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.AAD
  • Azure Active Directory Domain Services Enterprise application registered to your subscription

    Documentation: Create an Azure Active Directory Domain Services managed domain using an Azure Resource Manager template

    Run the following PowerShell command:

    New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId "6ba9a5d4-8456-4118-b521-9c5ca10cdf84"
  • Domain Controller Services service principal (if it does not already exist), with this PowerShell command

    New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId "2565bd9d-da50-47d4-8b85-4c97f669dc36"


Any roles assigned to the user assigned managed identity can safely be removed after the blueprint assignment has completed. The only downside is that if subsequent blueprint assignments are needed, those roles would need to be granted to the user assigned managed identity again.

  • Managed identity assigned the Owner role at the subscription level
    The reason is that the managed identity needs full access during the deployment, for example to initiate the creation of an instance of Azure AD DS.

    MORE INFO: Add or change Azure subscription administrators

  • The Blueprint main file (Blueprint.json), and related artifact objects
    These objects are publicly available on Github.com. Once the Blueprint objects have been acquired, they need to be customized to each respective environment.

Managing and Assigning/Deploying the AVD Blueprint


The following sub-sections are example methods available to assign the AVD Blueprint. There are sample assignment files in the Github repository in the 'Examples & Samples' folder.

Manage and Deploy the AVD Blueprint using a local repository of Blueprint files and customized files to import and assign using PowerShell (Windows device)

This method performs all activities on the local machine. This example uses Visual Studio Code as the tool to edit, save, connect to Azure, and deploy. Several extensions make working with ARM templates a little easier:

  • Install Visual Studio Code (the following extensions are recommended):

    • GitLens--Git supercharged
    • PowerShell
    • Azure CLI Tools
    • Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Tools
  • Go the AVD Blueprint Github repository main folder in your favorite web browser

  • Click or tap the down arrow on the green button called 'Code', then tap or click the option 'Download Zip'.

    Image for Github Download Zip option

  • Once the .zip file is downloaded to your local device, you can expand the contents to any location of your choosing, by double-clicking the downloaded .zip file, and then copying the main folder within the zip to any location. The example files in this repository use this path:

    C:\VSCode\AVDBlueprint\Blueprint\Examples and Samples
    C:\VSCode\AVDBlueprint_CustomizedFiles <-- This folder at same level of Blueprint repository in case you want to delete and unzip new or Git clone.

    [!TIP] If you use the folder structure above, copy the files from folder 'Examples and Scripts' to the folder 'AVDBlueprint_CustomizedFiles'. Then customize your files so you won't have to customize them again, or at least maybe not all the way from scratch.

  • Customize the following files from the 'Examples and Samples' folder.

    1. Create a folder, for example 'C:\VSCode\AVDBlueprint_CustomizedFiles'.
    2. Copy the files from 'C:\VSCode\AVDBlueprint\Blueprint\Examples and Samples' to 'C:\VSCode\AVDBlueprint_CustomizedFiles'
    3. Edit the file 'run.config.json'
      1. Change the 'TenantID' value to your Azure Tenant ID
      2. Change the 'subscriptionID' value to your Azure Subscription ID
      3. If desired, change the 'blueprintName' value (you can use the sample name)
      4. If desired, change the 'blueprintPath' path value (you can use the sample directory names and structure)
      5. If desired, change the 'assignmentFile' path value (you can use the sample directory names and structure)
    4. Edit the file 'import-bp.json' to point to file 'run.config.json'.
      1. If you are using the sample folder structure, this file does not need to be edited.
      2. If you are using a folder structure with different paths and names, edit line 1 argument, so the path resolves to the file 'run.config.json'.
    5. Edit the file 'assign-bp.json' to point to file 'run.config.json'.
      1. If you are using the sample folder structure, this file does not need to be edited.
      2. If you are using a folder structure with different paths and names, edit line 1 argument, so the path resolves to the file 'run.config.json'.
    6. Edit the file 'assign_default.json'
      1. Change the two 'Location' parameters to point to the Azure location you are deploying to. You can log in to your Azure tenant using PowerShell, or Azure Cloud Shell, and run the command 'Get-AzLocation | ft location'.
      2. Change the parameter value 'userAssignedIdentities' to the path to your user-assigned managed identity. The easiest way to get this value is the following:
        1. In the Azure portal, start typing 'Managed Identities', and in the results list, click 'Managed Identities'
        2. Click the name of your managed identity
        3. In the 'Settings' section/blade, click 'Properties'
        4. Copy the value of 'Resource ID', then paste that into the 'userAssignedIdentities' parameter value
      3. In the 'Properties' section of the 'assign_default.json':
        1. Edit the value of the 'BlueprintID', and replace the sample Azure subscription ID (between the second and third '/' characters from the left) with your subscription ID.
        2. Edit the value of the 'scope', and replace the sample Azure subscription ID (between the second and third '/' characters from the left) with your subscription ID.
      4. The following parameter values are in the 'Parameters' section of the 'assign_default.json'
        1. The following parameter values are required to be changed, to your Azure environment values.
          1. 'ADDS_domainName': The name of the Azure Active Directory Directory Services instance that will be created and synced to your Azure AD tenant.
          2. 'script_executionUserResourceID': ARM path to the managed identity by name. Get this in the Azure portal, Managed Identities, Identity, Properties, 'Resource ID'.
          3. 'scriptExecutionUserObjectID': The GUID/object ID of the Azure global administrator account used to initiate the Blueprint assignment. You can get this in Azure AD, Users, username, then 'Object ID' (under Identities)
          4. 'keyvault_ownerUserObjectID': The GUID/object ID of the managed identity used during the Blueprint assignment. You can get this in Azure Portal, Managed Identities, click identity name, the copy the 'Object ID' in the 'Essentials' section.
        2. The following parameter values are not required, though you may want to edit some of the default values to your environment and/or requirements.
          1. 'scriptURI': You can leave this to the current default, or if you fork the main repository to a new repository and wish to use that URI, you can.
          2. 'AzureEnvironmentName': The current default is 'Azure Cloud' (Azure Commercial). You can change this value in case you are deploying to Azure Gov.
          3. 'AzureStorageFQDN': The current default is 'Azure Cloud' (Azure Commercial). You can change this value in case you are deploying to Azure Gov.
          4. 'avdHostPool_vmGalleryImageSKU': The version of Windows 10 EVD being deployed. The 'Allowed Values' list are other available Windows versions from the Azure Gallery.
          5. 'avdHostPool_vmSize': The Azure VM size. You can change this value to any AVD supported VM size in the region you are assigning/deploying to.
          6. 'avdHostPool_vmNumberOfInstances': The number of EVD VMs that this Blueprint assignment will create.
          7. 'avdHostPool_maxSessionLimit': The maximum number of users that can log in to a Windows EVD session host, in the host pool created by this Blueprint assignment.
          8. 'avdUsers_userCount': The number of test users created by this Blueprint assignment.
          9. 'vvnetEnableDdosProtection': Controls whether this Blueprint creates an Azure DDoS plan or not.
    7. Open a PowerShell prompt and connect to your Azure subscription, using 'Connect-AzAccount'
    8. Change directory to where you have your customized import and assignment files (import-bp.ps1 and assign-bp.ps1).
    9. To import and publish the Blueprint to your subscription, run the PowerShell file 'import-bp.ps1'.
    10. To assign, and thus start the Blueprint deployment in your subscription, run the PowerShell file 'assign-bp.ps1'


If an environment built by this blueprint is no longer needed, a script is provided in the 'Examples and Samples' folder that can deconstruct a Blueprint assignment initiated by this Blueprint. In addition, this script can export logs found in an AVD Blueprint deployment's Log Analytics Workspace to a csv file stored in the directory specified at runtime. And a capability to purge a previous key vault has been added (-PurgeKeyVault), so that a previously deleted key vault won't conflict with an attempt to create a new key vault of the same name.

The script finds and removes the following items that were previously deployed via AVD Blueprint:

  • All SessionHosts and HostPools in a ResourceGroup based on resource prefix
  • All users discovered in 'AVD Users' group
  • 'AVD Users' group itself
  • 'AAD DC Admins' group
  • All VMs created by the previous Blueprint assignment
  • All VM collateral including Availability Set
  • Previous instance of Azure AD DS
  • (optionally) delete AND purge the previous key vault. By default the key vault is "soft deleted", which is the behavior if running this script without the '-PurgeKeyVault' switch.
  • Everything else in the Resource Group
  • Finally, the resource group itself

Use of -verbose, -whatif or -confirm ARE supported. Also, the script will create one Powershell Job for each Resource Group being removed. Teardowns typically take quite some time, so this will allow you to return to prompt and keep working while the job runs in the background.


#Exports logs of a AVD Blueprint deployment that used the prefix "ABC" followed by a removal:
.\Remove-AzAvdBpDeployment.ps1 -Verbose -Prefix "ABC" -LogPath "C:\projects"

#Use help for more details or examples:  
help .\Remove-AzAvdBpDeployment.ps1


Deploying AVD Blueprint to other Azure clouds

The single script deployment now includes an option of which cloud you are planning to deploy to:

  • AzureChinaCloud
  • AzureCloud
  • AzureGermanCloud
  • AzureUSGovernment

This blueprint has not yet been tested in 'AzureChinaCloud' or 'AzureGermanCloud'. However if the Azure Virtual Desktop service is available in those clouds, this Blueprint should run successfully. There are only three things that would need to be changed to move from one cloud to another. All three of these changes are in the parameter file 'AVDBPParameters.json':

  • TenantID
  • SubscriptionID
  • Azure Active Directory Domain Services domain name
    "AzureSubscriptionID": "",
    "AzureTenantID": "",
    "AADDSDomainName": "",

You would then save your changes to the parameter file, change directory to 'C:\AVDBlueprint\Examples & Samples\Deploy with Single Script' (or other location where those files exist), then run PowerShell elevated, set you PowerShell Execution Policy if needed, then run the script 'AssignAVDBlueprint.ps1'.

Pre-existing Active Directory

If there is already an active Active Directory environment in the target environment, it is possible to have this blueprint integrate with that rather than deploy a new one. Two actions need to be taken to support this:

  1. Delete the adds.json artifact from the Artifacts folder
  2. Remove all "adds" entries from the "dependsOn" section of the following artifacts:
    • addsDAUser.json
    • avdDeploy.json
    • DNSsharedSvcs.json
    • mgmtvm.json

Group Policy Settings

Regarding Group Policy settings that are applied to the AVD session host computers, during the Blueprint deployment. There are two sections of Group Policy settings applied to the AVD session hosts:

  • FSLogix settings
  • Remote Desktop Session Host redirection settings

FSLogix Settings

The FSLogix Windows policy settings are the mechanism used to enable the FSLogix profile management solution. This Blueprint currently utilizes Azure Files as the FSLogix profile container storage location. These settings are documented in this article.

During Blueprint deployment, some of the parameters are evaluated and used to create a variable for the FSLogix profile share UNC path, as it exits in each unique deployment. The parameter is then written to a new Group Policy Object that is applied to the Active Directory Organizational Unit that is created by the script run from the management VM, for the AVD session host VMs. Here is the complete list of FSLogix settings applied by this Blueprint:

VHDLocation == {unique UNC path for each deployment}
Enabled == Yes
DeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply == Enabled
FlipFlopProfileDirectoryName == Enabled

Remote Desktop Session Host redirection settings

This Blueprint adds as a default, one RDP redirection setting:


There are several Windows policy settings that control certain aspects of the user experience while connected to a session host. The "Remote Desktop Session Host redirection" settings are set in the script, 'CreateAADDSFileShare_ConfigureGP.ps1'. This script is run from the "management VM" in the "MGMTVM" artifact. If you wish to add additional redirection settings, the best way may be through current or planned management methods such as Group Policy.

Development Tools

Visual Studio Code is a Microsoft provided suite available for editing, importing, and assigning the Blueprints. If using VS Code, the following extensions will greatly assist the efforts:|

  • Azure Resource Manager Tools
  • XML Formatter
  • PowerShell extension (so that all work can be performed within one tool)

There may be other extensions available that perform the same or similar functionality.

Accessing the Blueprint files and scripts

In most cases you don't have to change anything to access the current Blueprint files, and scripts used during Blueprint runtime, so long as there is Internet connection available from your Azure subscription. You can use the main public Github script URI for access to the Blueprint script files. The reason for this is that the Blueprint core files (Blueprint.json and artifact files) are all uploaded to Azure by the import process, and are thus available within Azure throughout runtime.

The AVD Blueprint in its current form, has several external dependencies during runtime.

  • PowerShell scripts to perform various tasks such as create users, add users to AD group, create an OU, create a GPO, and more
  • A GPO backup contained in a .zip file, which restores a startup script to the newly created GPO startup scripts. This is the current method that the AVD session host computers are able to run the Virtual Desktop Optimization toolkit
  • The Virtual Desktop Optimization tool which is available publicly at https://github.com/The-Virtual-Desktop-Team/Virtual-Desktop-Optimization-Tool

Deployment Considerations

  • Resource Prefix naming considerations
    The value assigned for "Resource Prefix" will be used when naming many objects created by the blueprint. Therefore, you may want to keep that prefix as short as possible. Something like "AVD001" for example. One reason for this is in case you need to deconstruct one installation, then run another. If a previously created key vault exists in any form (normal or "soft delete"), and has the same name as the new resource prefix, then the Blueprint will fail at that point, not being able to create a new key vault. To prevent this name collision with key vault, use the "PurgeKeyVault" switch with the "Teardown" script "Remove-AzAvdBpDeployment.ps1". In nearly all cases, this script will delete AND purge the previous key vault created by this Blueprint.

  • Create a separate Resource Group for your permanent Blueprint resources During the Blueprint deployment process, you will be creating some resources that you may want to retain after the blueprint has been deployed. Depending on various factors, you may create a managed identity, a storage blob, etc. To that end, you could create a resource group, and in that resource group you only create items that are related to your Blueprint work. Another reason for this is that you can build and deconstruct a Blueprint, over and over, yet retain some of the core objects necessary, which will save time and effort.

    Example: AVDBlueprint-RG

  • Blueprint assignment time The AVD Blueprint can take an hour, or sometimes more. AAD DS takes at least 30 minutes to create, and up to 50 minutes in some cases. Creating the session hosts takes almost 10 minutes, because of creation but also installing extensions, adding to AVD host pools, etc. The up-side of session host creation is that they can be created in parallel to some point. For each "test" user created, there is a key vault created. The more users created, the longer time it takes. Each user can take about a minute to create.

Recommended Reading

  1. Azure Blueprints
  2. Azure Virtual Desktop
  3. Import the Blueprint
  4. Publish the Blueprint
  5. Assign the Blueprint

Change List

  • Created a single script that will configure all pre-requisites, import, publish, and assign the Blueprint. There are only 3 required parameters unique to your specific deployment environment:

    • TenantID
    • Subscription ID
    • Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AAD DS) domain name.

    There are many parameters that remain to be optionally changed. Otherwise, the script and the blueprint have default values for many other parameters.

    NOTE: There seems to be a problem with the script hanging, just after the first login to Azure prompt. This hang issue may have something to do with an account that has multiple subscriptions and also has two-factor authentication enabled. The workaround for now, is just before you run your script, log in to Azure using the same account that you will log in with during the script execution (Connect-AzAccount). As the script runs, the first login prompt should then just display that account name with status "signed in". You can click that and move on without having to enter name and password a second time for that same login. This issue has been observed with the PowerShell and the PowerShell ISE that come "in-box" with Windows 10, release 21H1. In those cases you have to close PowerShell, reopen it, and change directory back to the script folder. If you are using Visual Studio Code, you can end the PowerShell session and will be prompted to open a new one. You will still have to change directory back to the folder with the 'AssignAVDBlueprint.ps1' script.

  • Added a folder called 'Examples and Samples'. Recent updates to the AVD Blueprint mean that the Blueprint files themselves, no longer need any manual edits. And you can use the same Blueprint files for Azure Commercial or Azure US Government. For your unique values, such as SubscriptionID and so on, you can customize the included sample file 'run.config.json'.

  • Added a parameter option for the Windows Server operating system SKU (release). This is implemented in the single deployment script as an optional parameter 'PromptForManagementVMOSSku'. If this parameter value is set to true, the script will prompt at run-time with a list of Server OS Skus available in your selected cloud and location/region. If this parameter value is set to false, the default is set to '2022-datacenter'.

  • Edited the two sample PowerShell scripts that perform the Import, Publish, and Assignment tasks. The script named "assign-bp.ps1" performs the import and publish functions. The file "assign-bp.ps1" performs the Blueprint assignment. Of the remaining two files; "run.config.json" and "assign_default.json" samples, the "run.config.json" would most likely only be edited once, to include your unique values of TenantID, SubscriptionID, BlueprintPath, etc. The remaining file "assign_default.json" is the only file you need edit afterward to customize the Blueprint experience. There is a new section in the section of this Readme called Manage the Blueprint using a local repository of Blueprint files and customized files to import and assign using PowerShell (Windows device).

  • 08/10/2021: Streamlined Log Analytics by removing log collection for components not in use by this Blueprint. Also, updated the API version for several resources with the Log Analytics artifact, for compatibility across several clouds.

  • 08/10/2021: Updated the list of Azure VM sizes in the "AllowedValues" list in the "avdHostPool_vmGalleryImageSKU" parameter. Based on what is available as of 08/18/21, from "19h2" to "21h1", with and without Office 365.

  • 08/10/2021: Edited Blueprint parameter "AzureEnvironmentName" to included allowed values for AzureCloud and AzureUSGovernment. The default value is AzureCloud. You can override that value with an Assignment file.

  • 08/10/2021: Edited Blueprint parameter "AzureStorageFQDN" to include the storage endpoints for both Azure Commercial and Azure Government. The default value is Azure Commercial (file.core.windows.net)

  • 08/24/2021: Changed Blueprint settings for Key Vault creation. Previously the settings were "Soft Delete" "true", and "Purge Protection" "enabled. The change was to remove both of those settings, resulting in the current defaults being applied. Purge protection can be enabled after the fact if desired. But with purge protection enabled, and no way to change it, a soft deleted key vault name could collide with a new key vault name.

  • 08/25/2021: Changed the script that creates AVD test users and assigns them to an 'AVD Users' AD group.

  • 08/25/2021: Changed the method used to assign users to the AVD Application Group created by this Blueprint. The new method is to assign the 'AVD Users' AD group to the AVD Application Group.

Blueprint objects, purpose, and parameter documentation

Blueprint Objects and Purpose

Type Object Purpose
Assignment file assign_default.json Hard-code and pass to the Blueprint, the environment specific items such as subscription, UserAssignedIdentity, etc.
Blueprint file Blueprint.json The is the central file of an Azure Blueprint definition
Artifact adds.json directs the creation of Azure Active Directory Domain Services resources
Artifact addsDAUser.json directs the creation of domain administrator account
Artifact DNSsharedsvcs.json directs the creation of domain name services (DNS) resources
Artifact keyvault.json directs the creation of Azure Key Vault resources, used to store and retrieve credentials used at various points during the Blueprint assignment
Artifact log-analytics.json Sets up logging of various components to Azure storage
Artifact MGMTVM.json Sets up logging of various components to Azure storage
Artifact net.json Sets up networking and various subnets
Artifact nsg.json Sets up network security groups
Artifact avdDeploy.json Deploys AVD session hosts, created the AVD host pool and application group, and adds the session hosts to the application group
Artifact avdTestUsers.json Creates users in AAD DS, that are available to log in after the deployment is complete

Blueprint Parameters

Blueprint parameters, located in blueprint.json, allow to configure the deployment and customize the environment.

Required Parameters

The blueprint includes the following required parameters.

Parameter Example Value Purpose
adds_domainName avdbp.contoso.com The domain name for the Azure ADDS domain that will be created
script_executionUserResourceID Resource ID Path Resource ID for the Managed Identity that will execute embedded deployment scripts.
scriptExecutionUserObjectID xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Object ID for the Managed Identity that will execute embedded deployment scripts.
keyvault_ownerUserObjectID xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Object ID of the user that will get access to the Key Vault. To retrieve this value go to Microsoft Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > Users > (user) and copy the User’s Object ID.

Optional Parameters

These optional parameters either have default values or, by default, do not have values. You can override them during the blueprint assignment process.

Parameter Default Value Purpose
resourcePrefix AVD A text string prefixed to the beginning of each resource name.
scriptURI https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/AVDBlueprint/main/scripts URI where Powershell scripts executed by the blueprint are located.
log-analytics_service-tier PerNode Log Analytics Service tier: Free, Standalone, PerNode or PerGB2018.
log-analytics_data-retention 365 Number of days data will be retained.
vnet_vnet-address-prefix Address prefix of the vNet created by the AVD Blueprint.
vnetEnableDdosProtection true Determines whether or not DDoS Protection is enabled in the Virtual Network.
vnet_sharedsvcs-subnet-address-prefix Shared services subnet address prefix.
vnet_adds-subnet-address-prefix Subnet for Azure ADDS.
daUser_AdminUser domainadmin@{adds_domainName} This account will be a member of AAD DC Administrators and local admin on deployed VMs.
avdHostpool_hostpoolname {resourcePrefix}-avd-hp
avdHostpool_workspaceName {resourcePrefix}-avd-ws
avdHostpool_vmNamePrefix {resourcePrefix}vm Prefix added to each AVD session host name.
avdHostpool_vmGalleryImageOffer office-365
avdHostpool_vmGalleryImagePublisher MicrosoftWindowsDesktop
avdHostpool_vmGalleryImageSKU 21h1-evd-o365pp
avdHostpool_vmImageType Gallery
avdHostpool_vmDiskType StandardSSD_LRS
avdHostpool_vmUseManagedDisks true
avdHostpool_vmImageVhdUri (Required when vmImageType = CustomVHD) URI of the sysprepped image vhd file to be used to create the session host VMs.
avdHostpool_vmCustomImageSourceId (Required when vmImageType = CustomImage) Resource ID of the image.
avdHostpool_networkSecurityGroupId The resource id of an existing network security group.
avdHostpool_customRdpProperty Hostpool rdp properties.
avdUsers_userPrefix user Username prefix. A number will be added to the end of this value.
avdUsers_userCount 10 Total Number of AVD users to create.


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